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"Regardless of what I see... He’s in control..." - Nathanael Hamilton Talks Faith, Life & Music

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

For just over 10 years, R. L. 'Nathanael' Hamilton has been on a journey that has witnessed him evolve emotionally, spiritually, musically, and so much more.

Hailing from the beautiful twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago here in the Caribbean, Nathanael has been consistent in releasing music that glorifies God, uplifts people and quite frankly, provides a refreshing flavour of musicality and excellence.

PAJE Magazine had the honour of being able to connect with Nathanael, allowing him to share candidly, and we'll prepare you PAJE Fam, we weren't prepared for just how humble, open and transparent Nathanael was about to be! We are truly confident that you're going to be encouraged as you read more about the man behind the music. So, let's jump in!

PAJE: First and foremost, let's just say that we've been following your journey for YEARS, and your passion, creativity and vibrance never seems to shift. How have you managed to remain a trendsetter and stay on this consistent path?

Nathanael: Trendsetter? Far from… lol Thanks for the kind words, though. I appreciate the love and support, genuinely. As for passion, creativity, vibrance – I have personal credo: input determines output, so a big part of it is remaining a student – being willing to learn, grow and develop… whether spiritually through connecting with God, His word and prayer or creatively – connecting with the art, connecting with other creatives… I think another critical part of the whole process is enjoying… having fun doing what you love. Loving on God. Loving on people. Loving on the music.

PAJE: How did you know that this [ministry] was the path that you wanted to take in your life and what has the journey been like?

Nathanael: Parents encouraged me to get involved in music from a young age – pastor’s son, so I was pretty much involved in church ministry (by force – joking) since early childhood – youth groups, youth choirs, youth activities… I don’t think it hit home to me personally until I left church and tried to do my own thing though…

I did music outside of church for a few years, until one day I clearly heard God say that He wanted me home. “I do not want you contributing to anything that compromises or contradicts the messages I have for you in this season or in seasons to come.” I dropped everything, and returned home. Prodigal son style. LOL I’m not gonna lie. I tried to fight it a few times, but wrestling with that type of conviction will have you uncomfortable bad bad bad. When He’s ready for you… you know.

PAJE: What is it about Christ and your relationship with Him that has kept you moving forward even in the midst of those dark moments?

Nathanael: I think it’s just His reputation. Undefeated. It’s the knowing that regardless of what I see, regardless of what’s before me, around me… He’s in control of the outcomes. All I have to do is trust Him and be obedient. Sometimes I may falter. Sometimes I may be up against it… but just knowinggggg God is able is enough for me. When the world seems outta hand for you… it’s best to leave it and let it fall into the hands of He who holds the entire world in His.

PAJE: What would you say is the major way that God has shown up in your life in the past 3 years and why has it made so much of an impact on you?

Nathanael: I struggled a lot when I lost my mom a few years back… with my faith, with my belief, just my all around mental and emotional state.

God definitely showed up when I sought him out.

Music wasn’t working for me. Community wasn’t quite working for me. No amount of books, reading did it for me. I think in my lowest state, God found me.

I came into deeper understanding of his sovereignty.

I saw His hand in everything… guiding me to purpose in the midst of pain. Comfort to my turmoil. Strength to my weakness. Peace to my confusion.

I just learnt reliance. I learnt how to lean on Him in every and any situation or circumstance. I saw how much, even in bad times, He cares. We really never see the bigger picture when we’re consumed in the smaller sections of the frame… but when God steps in and opens the view for you… something special every time.

Wow... PAJE Fam, are you receiving this? The past few years, especially, have been reason enough for many of us to question things, but, let us be reminded that God is truly supreme and He has our best interest at heart. He legitimately has a plan. How willing are we to trust that?

PAJE: Who, would you say, are the persons that you hope to reach most with your music? (the broken, the outcasts, the lost...?)

Nathanael: Humans. Lol I feel like I try to speak to everyone… the broken, the outcast, the lost, the non-believer, the new convert, the mature believer… it really depends on the season I’m in and what I feel led to do in that timing.

PAJE: What would you say makes you different or a bit more unique as an artiste?

Nathanael: Probably the fusion… the mixture of textures. I tend to dabble in a lot of different things – genre wise, so possibly that urban rnb/hip hop with Caribbean sound mix. That’s my laneeee.

I like it there. Plenty. This was a tough question. I think listeners might best be able to say here.

PAJE: We truly love that your music stays true to your roots and has a unique signature no matter what. Share with us the full inspiration behind Fisherman Project and the vision for the next chapter.

Nathanael: Fisherman Project is a song-writing/ production team comprising myself and my younger brother, Daniel. Talented talented dude! We play on that scripture where Jesus says He’ll make the disciples ‘fishers of men.” For us, that’s what we’re aspiring to do creatively through our gifts. Music and the arts – the bait. Our motto “create and cast; cast and create.” Create the ‘bait’ and cast it… so we can create other messengers of Christ and the gospel who will in turn do the same.

Listen, that core and inspiration? SOLID. The impact that has been made by virtue of that mantra is priceless, and we want to encourage you all to keep pushing. We must commend the quality and consistency of you and your team, and we've got to say that it's also clear that your ministry continues to evolve and we're sure your listeners can attest to that.

PAJE: What message of encouragement would you want to give other artistes who were frustrated about the pandemic, other unforeseen challenges and the effects on their ministry?

Nathanael: Man… it’s hard. I feel it too. For me, personally… what has helped is intentionally doing what I need to do to remain sustained – my prayer time, my bible study, my connecting with other members in the faith has given me much needed stability. Input determines output so you have to find time to feed you.

Additionally, remembering your why. Constantly checking back in to your purpose and reminding yourself of the reasons why you do what you do and who you do it for is important. I look at Joseph’s story in Genesis – sold by his brothers, wrongfully accused by his master’s wife, jailed and forgotten… but even in that space, he was obedient. His willingness to serve in prison brought him before the king to serve in the palace.

God has given each of us a dream… a vision… there will be deterrents between the dream and the destination, but if that dream was given to you by God, trust that it will be accomplished in your life. Press on. All this is easier said than done, but I hope I was able to encourage somebody.

My Unique Purpose To bring/encourage/share biblical faith, hope and love through the artiste (who I am), His art (what I create) and His heart (how I live) - Nathanael


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