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"The Gospel Must Be Heard from Our Perspective..." Trevelle Clarke-Whyne talks Life & Ministry

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

PAJE Magazine had the unique privilege of being able to catch up with Trevelle Clarke-Whyne and really allow for a deeper outpouring of who she is so that you, our readers, could get to know the individual behind this powerful voice and ministry! We've taken note of Trevelle for some time now and we're sure you'll agree that there is so much more that's in store for this wife, mother, teacher, etc. So, let's not wait any longer!

PAJE: You sing with such a refreshing passion. What does ministering to people mean to you?

TREVELLE: Wow. “Refreshing Passion” Haha. That’s beautiful. I am extremely passionate about who Jesus is to me and having the ability to share that with those gathered in a worship event or concert ignites a passion within me. Ministering to people means I am doing what God has commissioned me to do – Go ye into all the world.

PAJE: How did you know that this [ministry] was the path that you wanted to take in your life and what has the journey been like?

TREVELLE: I do not know if originally I thought this would be the path I would be on maybe 4-5 years ago. As a matter of fact, upon graduating from the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts (School of Music), I thought I would have been a jazz singer.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I believe because my parents planted the seed of loving God and being faithful to ministry from a young age, that my musical talent steered me on this path. The journey has been a fulfilling one thus far.

I have an amazing team that keeps growing along the way and they keep me grounded. I am equally grateful for a supportive husband who continues to encourage me when I consider just not going along this path.

With that being said, I must admit that I battle from time to time with my mind and what God wants. However, it all comes full circle when I have those second-guessing moments, that there are too many who have committed themselves to this ministry and we cannot quit. The gospel must be heard from our perspective.

PAJE: We noticed that you're an educator, married and recently had a child, how has it felt balancing being a wife, mother and educator while pursuing this path?

TREVELLE: God has been very faithful I must say. As I mentioned before my husband, Adrian Whyne has been very supportive. There are days I do not feel I am balancing this at all. However, once I have a rehearsal I am going to push through and do what I must. I believe God watches how we function in our various capacities and as a wife, I have to make a concerted effort to be the kind of wife the bible speaks of; and that goes for all my other functions too – educator, mother, friend, etc. I do cry every now and again when I think I am failing at balancing these roles, but God’s presence somehow always comes and comforts me reminding me that His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

PAJE: Who, would you say, are the persons that you hope to reach most with your music?

TREVELLE: I believe I want my music to reach those who have not yet given their lives to God, those who feel as if they are lacking confidence in who they are, those who are struggling with their walk in Christ and that might mean everyone. We struggle daily to stay pure and holy and it really is my intention to encourage others as I encourage myself in the Lord, to know that God is with us even when we do not think He is. I just want everyone who has chosen this path of salvation to know that “we can mek it” and those who have not yet surrendered, to know that there are others of us willing to help them along this journey.

PAJE: What would you say makes you different or a bit more unique as an artiste?

TREVELLE: Wow. What makes me more unique? I believe that persons have shared with me that my tone – the timbre of my voice – and my jazzy approach to singing could possibly be the answer to this question. The truth is there are many persons with unique tones in gospel, so I don’t even know if mine makes me any different really from anyone else.

PAJE: Similarly, what message would you want to share with members of the Kingdom who are struggling to hold on to God especially based on the effects of the pandemic, and the many encounters, thereafter?

TREVELLE: FIGHT! When I say fight I mean fight. Jesus told Peter that the enemy desired to sift him as wheat and I believe the enemy is working even more so now that people are not able to fully assemble together corporately. Fight can mean seeking out your strong Christian friends to pray with you and establish prayer and devotion times.

Fight can mean turning off the wifi or data on your phone to commit to reading your bible and praying. The bible tells us that the spirit and the flesh is always at war and I really believe that with help we can win this war against our flesh. I have found strength in fighting my feelings to join church on zoom or choosing my friend who will nag me to pray via the phone.

PAJE: What would you say your unique purpose is?

TREVELLE: I would want to think that my unique purpose is to live for God and represent His kingdom in everything that I do. I am big on kingdom citizenship and so I believe how I dress, how I act, how I speak, what I post, must be a representation to others that I am a child of God. Living this way aids me in my purpose of physical demonstration of the spiritual kingdom of God to which I belong. We live in a society where it has become even harder for persons to decipher those who are Christians from those who aren’t. My life’s purpose is to live without protruding any grey areas as much as it be possible.

PAJE: What are 3 things that you know about the Gospel music industry now that you wish you knew maybe 3 years ago?

TREVELLE: Three things I know now that I wish I knew then:

1. This (music ministry) really takes money to stay afloat. Band rehearsals, photo shoots, studio requires money. I also know now too that God will send the right people your way – I call them destiny helpers – to guide you as you embark on the journey He has called you to.

2. I wish I knew three years ago how important marketing one’s music is. Much like secular music and regular day to day businesses, gospel music requires promotion. I call my WhatsApp broadcast list when sending out music or notification of events or interviews my “marketing team”. I cannot take it for granted who will or will not support my music. I also have come to realize that support is earned, and people will support you based on the amount of work you put in. That support might even be external than it is internal, i.e., people you do not know might be drawn to your music more than those who you know.

3. What I also know now that I wish knew then, is that if you choose this pathway, you will not always feel like continuing. Truth is, that is fine, it is in those moments that you really have to trust the call of God on your life.

PAJE: Do you have anything else that you’d like to share with our readers?

TREVELLE: I would simply love to encourage everyone to stay focused on the goal – the goal is to reach heaven.

It takes a lot of focus and determination because we have many reasons to quit as sin, the world, is very tantalizing and doesn’t take much effort to do.

This walk, if we remain faithful, will give us a crown of righteousness that Jesus the righteous judge will hand to us if walk circumspectly.

It will be worth it after all.

We are truly grateful for the time that Trevelle took to answer our questions and we pray that you, our readers, are blessed by what she has shared! Trevelle, continue to shine, love Jesus and to uplift those around you.


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