We had the privilege of being able to pick the brain of Gloria Ade-Gold-Lawrence, a powerful woman of God who spoke so passionately about the birthing of her podcast and book! We're truly excited about sharing this with you in hopes that you may be inspired and will feel empowered to walk in truth.

PAJE: So, Gloria, we've listened to this podcast and it feels like a solid platform that allows people to speak their truth! So, what led to the birth of this Podcast, and tell us about the type of impact you desire for it to make?
GLORIA: From having experience in the radio industry and seeing the impact it made while doing entertainment to joining Talk Up Yute and understanding that learning via the airwaves is just as important and can be done in an exciting way made me realize that I can continue to impact lives by podcasting and educating which is a passion of mine. I was invited to some Podcast and asked why I didn't have a Podcast of my own, seeing as it was evident that this is something I love doing, which made me realize that I do need to start walking in my purpose.
This is how I birthed The Unfiltered By G'Ade. (Website: https://theunfilteredbygade.com/ )

The Core message of the Podcast is that Learning is not just about going to school, we have new and improved ways of learning and educating ourselves while being in the comfort of our home by means of a Podcast which is Educating, Empowering, Entertaining and Inspiring. With the Podcast, it tends to "Leave no stone Untouched".
Some of the Core themes are Family, Community and Mental Health. [And with that...] The Specific type of impact I intend to make is one of, Ministry. Ministry in the sense that someone can be helped and their life transformed through listening to the Podcast. In all things, God Must be glorified and lives Must be changed.
I am inspired to reach all kinds of people, mostly adults from all walks of life. My Podcast spans over 40 countries worldwide so it is not geared to just specifics but for everyone. PAJE: Wow, that's powerful, and we must say we are really impressed about the fact that your guest roster spans a wide cross-section of persons which clearly speaks to the heart of the podcast and who it's intended to reach with a view to transform lives.
With all that in mind, what type of impact has hosting this podcast had on you personally, and, just so our readers know, what's next for the podcast and how can they become a guest on your show? The Podcasting journey has been eye opening for me. There have been tears, and laughter but in all I turn back to God who is the foundation for it all. 2023 Brings more Inspirational and Educational Topics that will certainly resonate with everyone.
To become a guest on the show, simply send us a message at Theunfilteredbygade@gmail.com or DM us on Instagram @theunfilteredbygade
PAJE: Now, this book, from its very title, definitely prepares the reader for an interesting journey ahead - with YOU. Thank you for your bravery and willingness to let epople into your inner thoughts so that we can learn lessons that are absolutely necessary to learn. Now, as we get to know you, The Author, how would you say your journey with God has been?
GLORIA: My journey with the Lord has been very interesting. lol. I have learnt to trust him wholeheartedly even through the toughest situations and even though it can be hard, he is my only source. It isn't always the best but I try my very best to be where he wants me to be.
PAJE: Now, this book can quickly be taken out of context simply by the title based on a lot of the narratives that the mainstream media has pushed over the year. Did you have any fear of publishing this book, noting that it reveals a lot about your very personal experience?
GLORIA: Fear? No. I just wanted it to be noted that it was from my point of view and this book was not written to hurt the other person as I also, made my share of mistakes.
The format of the book is written in a forgiving and more mature voice than even when I began writing. I was no longer angry or resentful, I understood who I am and whom Christ has called me to be. I got married young and even though I thought I was prepared some things transpired that turned my life upside down and I decided to start writing a journal on these events.
In my mind, no one told me any of this, and was in i shock lol! I went into a marriage expecting the other person to "complete me" and make me happy. This impacted me as i began losing myself and my self-esteem.
You are whole, The other person only adds to you. This alone was unfair to the other person and created problems that could have never been fixed, so I had to learn to love myself enough to leave.
PAJE: Wow! So, then, how long did it take you to write the book (though a lot of it was written already), and how did you know it was 'finished' and ready to be released?

GLORIA: It took me 8 years to write the book because I had to overcome what I was going through before I could conclude.
I knew it was truly complete when I wrote about forgiveness and had forgiven. I knew what I needed not wanted and I knew how to love myself intentionally.
What profit would it be to stay single because I was hurt? I know I deserve to be loved how God intended and I knew I could reciprocate it to someone else.
[An interesting fact is that...] My initial thought was not a book. I normally have journals from my childhood growing up but during the process of writing, I decided that, from my experience, we do not have people around us that "enlighten our darkness on certain issues", and I thought that I can help to shed some light on some factors and help others who are struggling.
[So, in writing the book and structuring it in the way I did...] Some Key takeaways are: 1. You are Not alone. 2. Forgive yourself. 3. Choose your battles wisely. 4. You are enough.
(You can purchase the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Things-Left-Unsaid-before-Do/dp/B09CC7F6VF )
PAJE: Now, you've clearly shared about your courage to end a tumultuous marriage and the fact that God gave you the release. But what would you say to other persons who are currently stuck in marriages that are destroying them but they're afraid to leave because of what their community or the church would say?
GLORIA: This is only between You and God. No one fully understands what you are going through, because they do not live with you. Do all that you can to ensure you are working on the marriage daily and seek Good Counsel, not from single friends or ones who won't have your best interest at heart. Marriage is always work but if it becomes abusive, speak to God and make your decision from there.
PAJE: Solid. So, real quick - would you say this book is only for women or can men read it, too?
GLORIA: No, this book is also for men who want to understand, from a woman's perspective, what may be happening to their partner and he himself can read to understand how vastly different men are from women [and how to maneuver that with his wife].
PAJE: Gloria, thanks again for sitting with us and being so open about your journey! Is there anything else that you'd like to say to the PAJE Fam?
GLORIA: Only God defines who you are. Do not get stuck in trying to fit into someone's life that you stop walking in your purpose. Lastly, Love yourself immensely [and remember to] let Jesus be the center of Every relationship you are in and choose Joy over everything else.
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