We've been tracking the journey of Nicolette for years, now, from she was known as JRootz, was a beloved personality on Gospel JA FM, planned and participated in many events here in Jamaica, etc. With her releasing her debut album, we found that now was the right time for us all to get some updates from her!

Now an Author, Wife, Podcaster, Mom of soon-to-be 2 and a re-emerging artiste, Nicolette shared some fun nuggets with us as well as some solid words of inspiration while also sharing about her newly released album - The Reformation - Vol 1
Let us tell you, PAJE Fam, we took a listen to this album in its entirety, and man, it was absolutely refreshing! Before we jump into our conversation, talk a listen to the Title Track, The Reformation:
We're excited about what we're seeing with this new album, and with that, make sure that you check it out! So, on that note, let's hear more about the album and what she's been up to!
PAJE: The Reformation Vol. 1; what place is it coming from?
Nicolette: It's coming from a place of understanding more of my God and who I am in Him. Identity is somewhat scarce these days, hence the constant search for fulfilment in the world.
But, this catalog of songs serves as a declaration of my Father and the great work of salvation that He has done for mankind.
Upon identifying His love and His great work, through the ultimate reformer, Jesus Christ, there ought to be a celebration; and this project is a celebration of our sonship and a celebration of what God our Father is doing, has done and is about to do in these last days.
PAJE: What do you hope that listeners receive when they listen to The Reformation Vol. 1?

Nicolette: My hope is that listeners will embrace their holy calling, be encouraged in the Lord, rejoice in what God has done, and anticipate the power of God that is yet to be unveiled through them by their submission to the Spirit of God.
PAJE: Which two tracks should we particularly look out for on the album?
Nicolette: Look out for every song! Every song has a story behind it that I may get to tell one day, but if I definitely had to choose, I would say the title track, 'The Reformation,' and 'We Will See'.
I would also squeeze in 'I've Been There' because this is a song that the Lord sang to me months before I got sick and had to be in and out of the hospital. This carried me through that time and I marvel at the fact that God gave me this song knowing that in a few months I would be afflicted in my body, but He was letting me know that He was right there with me.
PAJE: What's one unique thing about your musical style or expressions?
Nicolette: While diverse in genre, I have noticed that my musical style/expression always has three components: worship, intercession, and revelation. I must mention that I feel this being so, not only because of my fellowship with the Lord, but also because of the apostolic mantle and grace that I receive from God, through my local church, Bible Teachers International.
I would encourage all ministers to refrain from being lone rangers but be connected to the Word of God, because it is that Word that is in you by way of the Holy Spirit that will guide you into ministry and that also entails submission to the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists that God has ordained as leaders in your life.
PAJE: Where has Nicolette been; any life updates you want to share with us?
Nicolette: I have been doing well; a number of life changes over the past three years including migrating to the United States, witnessing the healing power of God, and my husband, Andrew, and I having our firstborn and gearing up for another baby boy. Life has had its challenges but I'm basking in the testimony of the Lord.
PAJE: How has it been finding your footing as a minister over the past 7 years?
Nicolette: Wow! It took a lot of shedding of self and embracing courage by way of the Holy Spirit. The past seven years would include my introduction to the gospel music space through events like Still Waters, under the name JRootz, and it also includes my former role as radio announcer at Gospel JA FM, then branching off into becoming a podcaster and author.

It was not easy because I had so many fears and insecurities concerning my part and whether or not it was good enough or if I had what it takes to be an influencer in any way. It took an agreement with the Word of God on my part to give me the courage to stand as a minister now, having the understanding that my measure or part in the Kingdom was given by God and operates by Him.
So, if I simply move as I'm led by the Spirit of God, and allow Him to do the work, then the fear that crippled me over the years has no room to grow. I had to reject the lies and allow the Lord to settle my heart with His Word of peace and assurance.
PAJE: As we press towards 2022, what should we look out for from Nicolette?
Nicolette: Only God knows! What I do know is that I shall be launching another rocket in the form of a second baby boy on the earth. Pray our strength where that is concerned. The Reformation, Vol. 1 was recorded while I was recovering after having my firstborn so you never know what I might be doing with this second Swaby baby boy.
By God's grace, I will be speaking more on my book, 'Bring Me A Minstrel: Journey in Understanding the Psalmist ministry' which the Lord gave to me back in 2017. It was published in June 2021 but I never really had public conversations or promotions concerning it. God willing, I hope to start more conversations surrounding that.
Of course, I will be continuing with my podcast, 'Roadblock with Nicolette Swaby'. Season four begins in 2022. And I am sure that the Lord will continue to do marvelous work through the psalmist ministry. This debut album is Vol. 1 so most definitely there is a Vol. 2 to come.
PAJE: What are 3 things about you that persons wouldn't know?
1. I love steamed whole fish!
2. I enjooooooyyy cooking a feast in the kitchen and baking (got some work to do on my icing skills)
3. I have a crotchet design business called 'Judah Designs by Nicole'
PAJE: Do you have anything you want to share or mention to encourage our readers?
Nicolette: God is in control. There is nothing, no one, no tongue, no power that is greater than God, and He will do what He has purposed to do in the earth, so you can trust Him. Nothing can dethrone Him. His sovereignty is everlasting. His Word is unchanging. He will always be God. Trust every Word that He has spoken over you and over the nations, abide in Him; so shall you be a part of the final revival in the earth.
It was truly awesome being able to hear from Nicolette and we definitely look forward to what she has coming next while basking in the melodies and the power of The Reformation Vol. 1!
Be sure to check it out when you get the chance!
Have you checked out Nicolette's new album? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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Very strong encouragement coming from the songs. I love it! I’m inspired by the lyrics. I am very thrilled when I see you pop-up on Apple Music. I say to myself, this is gonna be good! Then I settle myself to listen to what God is saying in the lyrics!
Kathy Garrison
Awesome album, I love every least one of the songs and love the artiste too. Please! Please! Go and check it out for yourself. This Album will edify you, encourage you and strengthen you in the Faith. #reformationvol 1.
My favorite songs, "we will see and I have been there really ministered to me. I am enjoying the album. Blessings perpetually be yours💥♥️
This has been my go to listen in the mornings! Each song is soo refreshing and makes me think on my Father! Currently going through my own infirmity in my body and "Ive been there" has definitely been such a strength! Love Love Love this album!!😊
Yo this album has been life changing , like extremely. It is a prophetic voice for the latter times that the Body of Christ NEEDS to hear! Awesome Nicolette!