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"Don't compare your level 1 to someone else's level 15" Dessi-Ann Encourages, Talks Life with Jesus

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

For quite some time, Attorney-at-Law, Dessi-Ann Yetman has been honouring the Lord in a very unique way; The Worship Encounter - set apart in nature, frequency and so much more. We're excited to hear from the woman behind this potent experience, so without further ado - let's get started!

PAJE: Dessi-Ann, a woman of valor and solid principles who loves the Lord with her entire being. That's the vibe you present through your outpourings, but we'd love you to tell us beyond our perceptions, who is Dessi-Ann Yetman?

Dessi-Ann: For the most parts exactly what you see is what you get. If you follow my social media it really is a surface display of who I am and whatever my loved ones experience is an in depth version of social media. Beyond the perceptions is just more details; I love being light hearted but I also have a serious, focused side to me. I am multi talented and am on a journey to live out alot of my talents and gifts. I love love and family. I love hard and am very in tune with my emotions. I enjoy depth- depth in God, depth in friendship etc and that can be evidenced by the very captions on my social media posts. I am, essentially, what you see.

PAJE: We're curious, what was it that made you decide that you were going to follow Jesus wholeheartedly?

Dessi-Ann: Purpose. I was never the type of child that fear could rule, and the Lord knew this. It didnt matter that sin was sending me to hell because it felt like I was living through hell right here on earth anyway. So the Lord gave me purpose. He opened my eyes for me to see that there was a reason for every encounter, every moment and there was value on my life

PAJE: Following Jesus is one thing, but branching out on a path that is quite unique in order to bring glory to His name is a whole other ball-game. What made you decide that you were going to be meeting with other ministers to worship the Lord on a yearly basis?

Dessi-Ann: I sort of never decided to it full time or that it would be yearly lol. I was obedient to an instruction to gather worship leaders from far and near and sing until His glory comes. I was obedient with the "how" this should have been done. and with following one instruction at a time the assignment so happened to evolve into what it is now and with balancing the seasons and life in general, it so happened to become a yearly execution of an on going assignment

PAJE: What has the overall journey been like honouring God in this way?

Dessi-Ann: Honoring God through my assignment with The Worship Encounter has been challenging but in a good way. It has forced me to make conscious efforts to do and NOT to do some things.

I had to decide to let go of always being in control and it was hard because my childhood was riddled with alot of things I could not control. I grew into the mindset that I needed to order my path and direction so I could become the fulness of what God intended and to put every negative word spoken over me and my life to shame.

I have come to learn to love His people from a different angle. I have always been a worship leader and knew what it was like to love those who receive from me. But I had to learn what it was like loving other worship leaders regardless of the difference in personalities and experiences in God without ever discounting or disrespecting the gift. There's so much more I could say but overall it has helped mature me and cultivated the right atmosphere for the fruits of the spirit to flourish in me.

PAJE: What would you say are the three top things that have kept you grounded in your relationship with Jesus Christ even through the changing seasons?


History - My history with God has DEFINITELY taken the #1 spot because even in the moments of my questioning and doubting- the facts cannot be denied. It cannot be denied that God did the impossible in my life before and that always leaves a question mark beside the impossibility of the current thing im facing.

Relationship - My relationship with God may take different forms in different seasons but when I tell you there is always that underlying authentic truth between us that we are 1 and the same and that I am His, it makes a difference. Think of that one friend you dont have to interact with regularly but when you do it's like there was no pause and even when life gets busy between you two you still know a piece of your heart lies with them. It's the same... but deeper.

Covenant - It's very easy to forget what God has said when the seasons require long suffering. But when history meets with relationship and collides with covenant- it doesnt matter what mind games the enemy tries to play I always come back to my position in God- I am because He is.

PAJE: Speaking of changing seasons, we know you relocated within the last 2-3 years. What has the journey been like recalibrating while still remaining committed to the mission the Lord has you on?

Dessi-Ann: It has been alot lol. It has challenged me mentally and physically. I have had melt downs and have shed LOADS of tears wondering if I truly heard God, wondering if what He said was worth fighting for in the moments when it felt it was going to cost my life. I have had my strength increase and what was my breaking point has been strengthened as God pulled me aside to have Dessi-Ann face Dessi-Ann. It was hard but soooo necessary. Through that process I was able to clear the distractions and see a snapshot view of who I was designed to be here on earth and what's expected of me here. I am excited.

PAJE: What would you say to the person who has received a specific idea from the Lord but they honestly don't know where to start or if it even makes sense?

Dessi-Ann: I would say it doesnt all have to make sense- and take it from me- Im the Queen of needing all things to make sense lol. I dont think its because of my profession either, I think it's just a personality thing.

I remember when God was telling me to start The Worship Encounter and I had many reasons as to why I wasnt ready and why it wasnt time and it wasnt until God made me restless that I took a head dive and the first ever session was recorded with my android cellular phone but it was the genesis of greater things to come. Just start. No budget; low budget. Support; no support.

Popular; unpopular. Talented enough; not talented enough. If God said it, just do it.. and when you do, do it with all your heart and not with all your comparison to the next person. Dont compare your level 1 to someone else's level 15 - you'll lose every single time.

PAJE: What are 5 things about you that people wouldn't readily know?


  • They probably wouldnt readily know I laugh alot and at some of the most inappropriate times in life ever lol. My friends & family know this and love and hate me for it at the same time but pray my strength as I mature and pray their strength as they love me through my nonsense.

  • People wouldnt readily know I can be very blunt- the gentleness I extend to strangers in ministry I dont necessarily extend to my friends and family to the same degree not because they arent deserving but because they are my safe space where I can let my hair down and be frustrated if that's how I feel and be agitated and be able to tell them that without wondering "did I offend the sheep? Are they going to backslide?" I get to be me, in love ofcourse, without wondering if i am jeopardizing my commission as a leader in ministry.

  • People also wouldnt readily know that as bubbly and friendly as I am - I am not lol. Read it again. I like my space, I like being honest about the days that arent so chirpy and when on assignment I get a Holy Ghost charge for my social battery but when that runs low I am DONE.

  • They also wouldnt readily know that I am NOT a girly girl but Im also not a "tom-girl" either. The makeup, monthly hair and nail appointments are not my thing but I am also not walking about with saggy pants and oversized tshirts and you definitely wont catch doing what the boys do necessarily. I like to think I am just Dessi-Ann. I do makeup for special occasions and that's it.

  • Lastly, people wouldnt readily know that as bold as I am and as confident and fearless as I am, I STILL NEED MY FRIENDS SUPPORT- I still have melt downs every now and then and still require a pep talk like any one else.

PAJE: What would you say are the three (3) biggest you've enjoyed through staging this worship encounter through the years, and can we look forward to another one soon?


  • I look forward to the fellowship - seeing how I lifted God in private and He draws all men in public always always leaves me feeling so proud to be a believer. Like... He is literally keeping His word yall!

  • I look forward to the intercession

  • Most of all the reaction of those that are blessed by it!

New sessions are loading for 2024

PAJE: Wow, thank you so much for sharing your heart with us, Dessi-Ann! We're sure many were blessed being able to read about your journey, and we look forward to seeing even greater things for you in the years to come! Before you go, though, do you have anything else you'd like to say?



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