Hey PAJE Fam! So, we were able to catch up with the multi-passionate woman of God who is dubbed 'Lady Glene'. Glenesha Higgins wears many hats as a servant of God and we are excited to sit with her so that you can learn more about her. So, let's jump in on the conversation, shall we?

PAJE: “Lady Glene”…. Where did this name come from, and how did you decide that this is what you wanted others to call you, as well?
Lady Glene: I was attending a church in 2016 and the pastor and females closest to her were referred to as Lady, so for example Lady Jean, Lady Pam, and they called me Lady Glene.
I liked it, especially because the term lady for me means a woman of class, a wife, of a certain caliber, and I think I was that, though I wasn't married yet, so I was spot on.
Thereafter, I referred to myself as Lady Glene, and persons started calling me that, too.
PAJE: How would you describe your relationship with God?
Lady Glene: It's a loving Father-daughter relationship where I'm being formed in the image of Christ as I try my best to live in submission to Him and do His will.
Being pruned is never easy, but my relationship with Him is beautiful and I'm not willing to give it up for anything.
PAJE: So, you minister, you host, you speak, you share substantive YouTube videos, you’re an Author, you Coach, you plan, you dance…. Safe to say you’re multi-faceted! How would you say you balance it all and how would you encourage other multi- passionate Christians to balance?
Lady Glene: For me balance is prioritizing one of those gifts at a particular time.
It may be based on demand or based on the season I believe the Lord has me in. It might be hard to believe, but I don't try to do it all, I just go based on Holy Spirit's leading, but I am committed to do ALL He has for me.
One of the things that helps me to steward well is scheduling, knowing I can't do and be everything and RESTING. My community knows, if it's not in my calendar, it doesn't get done
PAJE: What message would you want to share with members of the Kingdom who are struggling to hold on to God especially based on the effects of the pandemic, price hikes, and other challenging things that have been faced by the world in the past year?
Lady Glene: I would say trust in Him, like actually believe His heart towards you. We say we do, but many of us struggle to trust Him. And I can understand. We are so used to being disappointed by men.
But God is reliable. He might be late for our deadline, but He is always on time. What is food for God to provide or money to pay your bills? He is a Father, and not like the examples of earthly fathers we've seen. He cares for His own. You are His responsibility.
Challenges come to put our faith on trial. Faith comes by hearing God's Word, so whatever you do, stay in the Word, meditate on the Word and believe the Word.
As you hear His instructions, step out in faith knowing that those who trust in Him will never be disappointed. Be encouraged, Abba has you.
PAJE: What are 3 things that you know NOW about the industries contribute to, that you wish you knew maybe 3 years ago?
Lady Glene:
1. Not everyone is genuine, some people are opportunistic and parasitic, so be discerning.
2. You just need to start - that book, that YouTube channel, or whatever God is leading you to.
3. Don't throw your pearls to swine. Where you are not valued, get up!
PAJE: Who, would you say, are the persons that you hope to reach/impact most with all that you do?
Lady Glene: The people who don't know or understand what Christ has done for them and what it means for their lives now on earth and after this life. Those who suffer from rejection, insecurities and all the symptoms of not knowing who they are in Christ, which would lead to not having clarity in their purpose.
PAJE: Do you have any projects, YouTube Channels or special business mentions you want to include?

Lady Glene: I'm an Amazon bestseller! My book is 'Now That I Have Accepted Christ, WHO AM I?' (Purchase here: https://www.amazon.com/Now-That-Have-Accepted-Christ-ebook/dp/B0B3CRV1XF)
I realize that so many believers come to Christ but discipleship is lacking, so they don't understand who they are in Christ. That is evidenced by the lives they live daily, so this 21 day devotional helps believers understand who they are in Christ.
Lady Glene is also an event host, speaker, worship leader and certified Christian Life Coach. As a coach, I partner with Christian men and women to gain clarity in their identity and God-given assignments.
I also have a YouTube channel which has content that is educational, edifying, entertaining and encouraging.
Though I'm a Christian, there is something there too for the non-believer, my hope is that if one of the fun videos interests an unbeliever, he/she would also go to view one of the other videos that has the Good News and Holy Spirit will lead him/her to Christ. Please subscribe to Lady Glene Legacy on YouTube. (Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/c/ladyglenelegacy )
Also follow me on social media @ladyglenelegacy to be updated with anything else I might be doing.
PAJE: Your 21 Day Devotional is truly impactful. Tell us why you decided to write it.
Lady Glene: I have always been passionate about people knowing their identity, but I didn't think I would one day write about it, even though I've spoken on the topic, a few times. Well, one day I was minding my business and Holy Spirit told me to the write the devotional using my sermon notes. It was written with a deep desire for people to know who they are in Christ and heal from wounds that come as a result of people not knowing who they are.
PAJE: What are three things that you have been able to learn about yourself after journeying through the past 5 years of your life?

Lady Glene:
1. There is nothing good in me except for Christ. Anything I do outside of Christ is not an acceptable offering, so I must remain connected to the True Vine.
2. I am fallible, and the only way to stand is to pray that I might not fall into temptation.
3. That I must forgive myself and forgive people. Forgive myself for giving access to people who haven't proved themselves, when I know better, and then forgive people who have used, abused, envied and deeply hurt me, especially if I called them friends.
Lady Glene's final word of encouragement:
If you're a believer, stay at the feet of Christ. So many have watered down the Gospel or blurred the lines of righteousness and unrighteousness. Tomorrow your favourite preacher or worship leader may walk away from the faith, so you can't hide behind their relationship with God. You must build one for yourself and stay in the Word, because the false teachings are increasing. Be sure your anchor is in Christ. May none of you reading these words lose yourselves in this overwhelmingly sinful world in Jesus name.
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