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Caring for the Future of the Caribbean Church

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

God’s Unchanging view of our children

If we don’t have our children, then who are we doing this for? The Caribbean faces an urgent crisis. According to the World Bank data, in 2020, the estimated population of the Caribbean was around 44 million people, with approximately a quarter being children. in countries like Haiti, the percentage is up to a third of the population.

We must view our children as gifts, not burdens, and create structures that support their wellbeing. Yet many children do not experience the love and care needed. Our view towards our children should reflect God’s view. Beyond developing policies and redirecting resources that support our families and communities, we must also prioritize the unique needs of our youth in vulnerable situations.

We must make sure our young people have access to quality education, health services and have safe environments to live and grow. Again, I ask, if we don’t have our children, then who are we doing this for? Who are we going off to work, building homes and wealth for? As we say in Jamaica, what if the whole a we, gone? Or worse if we have to live in the future we create by how we treat our children? Our children will be the ones to continue the next leg of the race of life. As a young mother, I was challenged by God to start calling my children a reward. Therefore, how do you treat a reward? What is your attitude towards your children? Do they feel love and appreciation from you? Without our children, God’s vision for our future, the future of our communities, of our church and our nations is at great risk. Are we willing to take the steps necessary to secure the future that God has given for us and for our children, and their children?

Being Intentional in Parenting

Parenting is an ongoing journey that is filled with challenges, joys, and successes. The journey begins when a child is born, and it continues until the child is an adult. As parents, we have the opportunity to nurture, guide and love our children. Likewise, every child is different and each has his or her own personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Therefore, we must be intentional in how we parent. Being an intentional parent involves; setting goals and boundaries for your children, having clear expectations of them, and, following through with consequences when limits are crossed. It also means focusing on positive reinforcement and communication, being proactive rather than reactive, and understanding the journey we make with our children is worthwhile. Taking a proactive approach to parenting, means anticipating and responding to potential problems before they arise. It means not shying away from difficult conversations and having open communication with our children. It also means providing structure and guidance, and communicating importance of discipline.

Being reactive, on the other hand, is responding only after a problem has already occurred. This approach can quickly become overwhelming and can lead to more issues down the line. Reactive parenting can result in a lack of consistency, ineffective discipline methods, and boundaries that are not enforced.

As the journey continues, we can often find ourselves in unfamiliar and trying situations. In these moments, it is important to remember that parenting is an ongoing process and we need to be present and engaged in your children’s lives. providing support and guidance as they grow. Helping them to develop the values and behaviors that will help them become successful adults. It also involves creating a home environment that promotes healthy growth and development. By facilitating open communication, and creating a safe and secure space for exploration and play. With appropriate structure and discipline.

Being Intentional in Educating all our Children

In addition to creating a home atmosphere that is encouraging and supportive, our children need to provided with equitable education in their respective school environment. Treat all students fairly and with respect and provide the resources and guidance to schools to address educational inequities, increasing access to and availability of resources. We need to advocate for educational policies that promote equity, and examining and addressing any implicit bias that may exist in education. Once we know the issues that can contribute to educational inequities, such as disparities in access to resources, opportunities, and cultural competence and creating a safe and welcoming environment in the classroom through building positive relationships and fostering respect for each student.

We can then begin to come up with solutions that can address these issues. This can be done by actively listening to them, showing interest in their lives and accomplishments, and being open and encouraging about their ideas. Create an atmosphere in which mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning. Finally, be sure to focus on the progress each student makes, providing feedback that is reinforcing and uplifting. Parents, Teachers and community need to encourage students to express their feelings and perspectives on issues. Provide opportunities for meaningful discussion and dialogue. Allow time for students to respond and discuss topics. Encourage active listening and emphasize the importance of respecting different perspectives. Use positive reinforcement practices to encourage and motivate students for their hard work and contribution.

Being Intentional in Discipling our Children

Furthermore, we must also prioritize creating an environment in which our youth feel they can; safely express feelings, ask questions, and receive guidance. A Godly environment should be one of discovery and acceptance, where our children can grow in their understanding of the Bible and be guided towards wise decision-making. We should also take examples from David and Timothy, with their examples of faithfulness, justice and perseverance. Providing meaningful accountability and prayerful guidance for our children. David's example served as a model of faithfulness and obedience to God. Teaching Solomon the importance of relying on God's guidance, wisdom, and justice. David taught Solomon to use wisdom and diligence in his decision-making, and to be patient and humble when faced with difficult situations. Finally, David exhorted Solomon to always serve God and be devoted to his religious duties.

Timothy was trained by his grandmother and mother in the ways of the Lord. He was then picked up by Paul, who encouraged him in his faith and example.

Specifically, Paul gave Timothy instructions to remain strong in the faith, be an example to others, and remain faithful to the Lord’s commands.

He also instructed Timothy to patiently endure hardships and reject any false teachings. Paul reminded Timothy of his godly heritage and urged him to be an example of youthful perseverance. Our children need our investment of prayer, service, nurturing, and mentorship. Leading them in paths to help shape their worldviews and giving them a solid foundation to become all God wants them to be.

Investing in God’s Future by Embracing our Children

We must balance our responsibility to protect our children from harm. Encourage them to pursue their dreams. Teach them about God’s love. When we create a safe and uplifting space for our children, where they can make mistakes and learn from the consequences, we are modeling grace and Christian love. The most effective way to model grace and Christian love is to lead by example in front of our children. So that they see the concept of grace and Christian love in action. Every youth in the Caribbean needs the opportunity to fulfill their potential, while addressing the unique needs they face. We must prioritize God's vision and values; investing in our children who are the future of our communities and nations. It is our responsibility to pass on the faith to the next generation, granting God's vision for the church and the advancement of His Kingdom to be fulfilled.

We need our children to realize God’s future by embracing who they are and who He has called them to be.


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