The truth is, the Christian journey is not the easiest thing to navigate. There's so much that we encounter on a daily basis - some of which makes us feel like we're losing the battle. May we all be reminded that as Christians, we LIVE as victors, and for those moments when you just need that reminder, keep reading.

Here are 3 powerful tools to help you live the life of an OVERCOMER!
1. Authentic Prayer (1 John 5:14)
Being open and honest with God about everything including your struggles is what's gonna keep you holding on.
So many persons are so afraid to be honest about their feelings when they pray and talk to God, but a reality is that God already knows all of YOU. He's not going to be intimidated if you share. What sharing does, instead, is foster the type of real and natural relationship that Christ wants with us so that a true bond can be developed and healing can begin to take place where needed.
2. Spending time with God daily (Matthew 6:11 and Psalm 1:3)
Renewing your mind daily will keep you on the right path, and a great way to do that consistent renewal is by spending time with God more and more.
This is because, in God's presence, your spirit ends up being fed - and more and more, you'll start to thirst for things of God and have a burning desire to pursue Christ's standards with your lifestyle.
3. Accountability (1 John 4:4-5 and James 5:16)
Confess your sins to one another and share your burdens.
Yes, believe it or not, this release helps you more than you know. This is because the enemy uses secrets, shame, fear and all those negative things to keep you trapped and make you feel like there's no possibility for redemption or forgiveness when you make a mistake or struggle with sin.
By confessing to God and establishing an authentic community that accepts you for YOU, it makes it more possible to live a life where you are held accountable for your actions while still being loved and understood for who you are.
All in all, the life of an overcomer is not easy. However, we have the power to make it worthwhile based on the way we choose to live it.