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3 Easy Ways to Connect With God Through Nature

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

In a world that continues to evolve digitally, it's easy to recognize that more of us are losing touch with the more 'natural' aspect of life which allows us to have a more expansive view into God's creation! You find, too, that people are "too busy" to slow down and breathe long enough to take in the majesty of God's creation.

However, if you really want to find a way to quickly recharge and dwell in His presence, connecting with nature is one of the best ways to get that done.

Nature reflects the glory of God and His creativity.

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12 (NIV)

Connect with God through nature by seeing its beauty and goodness and I promise you that you'll expererience more happiness and joy.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1) (ESV)For those of you who may be wondering "how on God's green earth do I even do that?" There are plenty of ways you can enjoy nature even while juggling a busy schedule.

  • Go on a trip - make time to go out and have fun with friends and enjoy the glorious things out there that you've never seen or that you've just never truly sat and appreciated.

Most of us get vacation days off from work and if you do you have a few days to play around with to schedule a trip.Plan and excursion into the woods with your spouse, best friend or pet. Have you ever taken a seat on the lush green grass and stared into the heavens? Have you ever walked between the trees and slid your hands over their rough, cracking bark? How about rubbing the tips of your fingers just beneath the surface of placid water, feeling it cool as it flows while peering into its beauty? If you haven't you are definitely missing out. If you have the type of job that doesn't give you vacation days off in the typical manner, you can try for a weekend or check the tip below.

  • Take a walk, run, or bike ride outside - this can be fun to do either alone or with others

You may not have the time to plan an entire trip into the wild but you almost certainly can find time to walk, jog or ride to the supermarket, around the block or a mile or two from your home and back. The beauty of nature can be observed and God's glory seen in His creation if you can drown out the noise of the busy world all around you and focus on the things He made. The adoration of the eternal ought to be nurtured in your heart and mind and this takes only a precious few seconds or minutes each day. Instead of driving 5 minutes away, take the 15-minute walk and observe the trees, their leaves stems and branches uniting with the stalks of those on the ground in reaching to the heavens.

  • Put a hammock or tree swing in your yard

It’s easy to set up a nice little chill spot in your backyard to spend time outside if you have a fun tree that's suitable. You can erect a swing or hammock to hop onto. Consider adding one also for an extra incentive to do some outdoor reading and this relaxing space can help you to converse with God even more.

Connecting with God through nature is by far one of the most soul quenching activities you can do for yourself as a believer, and if you can find a way to work this into your monthly plans, at the very least, we guarantee you'll see and feel a true difference in how you lead your life.









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