Sometimes, pursuing purpose feels exceptionally daunting, not just because of the weight of what is to be done, but because of the fact that the surrounding environment or friendship group is not conducive for spiritual growth. Believe it or not, this holds so many people back - simply because they don't have the type of friends who are willing to support their pursuit of purpose.

In your friendships you can encourage each other to live out or walk in purpose. Especially when you've been friends for a while it isn't hard to point out qualities or talents in our friends that stand out or are clearly God given. Believe it or not, it is our responsibility to encourage our friends to live it out.
Here's how you can be that supportive friend for those who need that boost as they actively pursue purpose:
Reassure Your Friend. Sometimes they may not feel confident in their own abilities or may not see it as something for them to pursue. Shower them with positive reinforcement.
Be That Positive Oasis. Sometimes they start in their pursuit of purpose but get discouraged and we shouldn't let them and keep them accountable to goals they've set.
Pray for Them. We should also seek to help them by praying for them, looking out for opportunities for them and showing them support by showing up with them when they make purposeful moves.
Point Them to Aligned Opportunities for Purpose Pursuit. Sometimes, our friends are seeking avenues to actively pursue purpose. You can help to keep an eye out for those opportunities and guide them to it.
Be an honest sounding board when asked for your opinion. Sometimes, as a trusted friend, you'll be asked for your opinion on certain moves they make. Keep it honest, keep it real, keep it filled with love.
You see, when you work on being that solid type of support for your friend so that they can feel validated, supported and like they are on the right path, it helps them to look more to God for leadership in continuing the journey.
Someone pursuing purpose truly needs a good environment and set of friends to truly feel safe in growing and expanding in the pursuit of purpose.
Are you ready to be that friend?
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