Yup, you've probably heard it a few times or more both from strangers as well as the very people you love, and the thing is, the majority of the time, they don't mean it negatively. Many of the persons who share this sentiment are genuinely concerned that you're taking on too much on your plate and not 'focusing' on being good at that 'one thing'.
Enter, the multi-passionate, whose brain is literally wired to take multi-tasking to a whole new level. You, as a Christian multi-passionate, find it difficult to hide or compartmentalize the number of visions, talents and skills that God gave you not because you feel like doing things idly, but THAT's your love language and your offering to God.

Interestingly, this perspective and stance is not widely understood/considered or appreciated and many Christian multi-passionates are instead often misunderstood and mislabeled as fickle/flighty/fake and not focused.
As a multi-passionate Christian Creative myself, I find that the journey comes outfitted with multi-layered lessons to be learned about:
People pleasing; understanding WHO validates you
Understanding the difference between the voice of the Lord and your own fleshly desire to create
Noting the seasons of rest versus the seasons of work
Navigating the internal battle of earning money while exploring your passions
Choosing to do something inspired by the Lord even when it looks crazy to others
...there's A LOT to learn on this journey and the learning doesn't stop!
But, what I want to do is to encourage you to KEEP GOING. In the midst of the criticism, in the midst of the loneliness, in the midst of the hurt - find the beauty that oozes from knowing that God made you this way and you were called to shine your light.
To dive deeper in exploring, you can take a listen to the podcast episode linked just above. In the meantime, empower yourself; set yourself free and embrace YOU. Here's what that can look like:
Investing in learning a bit more about your passion and skillset, and taking the time to hone them some more
Spending time in the presence of the Lord so that you can get to know more of His heart for the people He desires for you to serve and so you can understand the heart behind why He would give you specific visions and projects
Deepening your level of self-awareness; understanding that you need positive environments and healthy boundaries to effectively steward what the Lord has called you to do.
There are many other steps you can take to free yourself, but I find that doing those 3 core things helps to lay a foundation for other helpful things to take effect.

I wish you all the very best on your multi-passionate journey! Remember, there is NOTHING wrong with who you are and how you are. You have nothing to prove to anyone. You will grow on the journey, you will make mistakes, you will thrive, and more. Keep God as your guiding light through all the seasons and what they come with.
Much love
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