PAJE Fam, we are absolutely thrilled to be bringing you a deeper look into HUMBLE; this gifted acapella group that is intent on making the name of Jesus Christ known so that lives may be transformed! That stated, we've got a LOT to get into, so without further ado - let's jump into our chat with the group, HUMBLE.

PAJE: Now, gents, real quick, help us to understand how H.U.M.B.L.E. started and how you knew that this meaningful acronym would be your name moving forward.
HUMBLE: The group began in a chemistry lab in the year 2005 [and made official in 2010], at the Kingsway High School in Kingston. Since then, the group’s dynamic has changed; shifting from a quartet anchored and heavily influenced by The Acapella Company, to a sextet with greater diversity. The name came was also created in that lab, where the acronym was formed: Hearts United Minds Bonded in Love for Eternity - a testament to the unique and synergetic nature of the group. [Since the group's formation] in 2005 almost all [original] members have since moved on.
PAJE: Love that! And to know that the name was skillfully created in a chemistry lab which is literally synonymous with the putting together of various elements to achieve a specific goal... BRILLIANT! That reminds us... Why acapella?
HUMBLE: Acapella provides a space that is unsaturated, and limitless in nature. The ability to recreate instruments using the voice allows for creativity and dynamism that instruments cannot provide.
PAJE: Got you on that! So, to help the PAJE fam to get to know you more... For each member, what are two things that people wouldn't readily know about you?
Justin: I operate a catering company with my wife K’s Katering. I’m a co-producer on our new album.
Julan - I enjoy current affairs, and I looove to sleep. I am NOT a morning person. I would rather stay up late at night and sleep in till midday
Aaron: I’m terrified of heights, which others may find shocking because I’m usually adventurous and daring. [Also] I operate a company called WaveNation JA - here we supply hairbrushes and durags for persons interested in getting waves. 3. Bonus?! [LOL we love to see it!] I still lay on my grandma's lap, it’s still one of my favourite things to do.
Errol: I can be an overthinker. Whenever I sit down to think and gather my thoughts, oftentimes I don't reach far because I tend to think about all my endeavours at once. I’m [also] a lover of fast cars!
Daniel: People don’t readily know that I have a reserved side and I love water excursions but I can’t swim.
Chevaughn: I’m a poet- I enjoy writing poems. I am an early riser. My best times are at 3 or 4 am.
PAJE: Now, we promise we're gonna get into your music and journey real soon, but we wanna make sure that the PAJE Fam knows who they're journeying with! So, on that note, for each member, what are two things that you absolutely love about Jamaica?
Justin - The hidden gems (rivers and beaches) and the music
Julan - Our diverse skillset- the ability of our people to 'turn wi hand mek fashion'. The beautiful landscape
Aaron - The food and the scenery.
Errol - 1. The music. It is multifaceted and there is something for everybody. [ALSO] Our natural resources, especially our rivers and streams are to die for... Especially our rivers!
Daniel - Reggae music/ Culture & hidden gems ( beaches/rivers)
Chevaughn - The fooood! And definitely the culture. We are a unique bunch. Distinct from the world.
PAJE: As a group, what would you say the journey has been like together and how would you describe the type of growth you've experienced over the years?

HUMBLE: A collection of highs and lows. There have been points where we have never felt more closer. Then there were other times we thought this would be the end of the group. All part of the journey. The growth is immense! Vocally and otherwise. 10 years ago we would have never thought to have been able to write one song, let alone produce multiple original tracks. God is amazing.
PAJE: Love that! So, we're curious... for each member, what is one specific moment that you've had in being a part of the group that has caused you to say "Yes, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be"
Justin - We were singing in Montego Bay one sabbath about the woman with the issue of blood. While I was leading the song, a lady came walking from the pews. She was moved to tears by the words and power of that song. That was a shifting moment for me to know that God is indeed leading this ministry.
Julan - A moment when conference asked HUMBLE to accompany them around to different churches weekly, all apart of the prayer and fasting campaign they had. We were at a particular church one Wednesday and we were asked to sing a song that was unplanned for and we decided on spot to sing 'He touched me and made me whole'. Shortly after a lady testified about how God brought her through some tough times using that same song and she went on by saying that "the song did soo much for her and it was as if Jesus himseflf spoke through us". It was then that i realized that it must have been the work of the holy spirit placing me in this group to impact people's lives under the guidance of the Holy spirit.
Aaron - I remember an AY program we had at Andrews SDA. Each member was given the opportunity to speak about what God has been doing for us. Each time we get a chance to give our testimonies, it brings me so much closer to God. Seeing others being encouraged to continue to serve Him, is always a mover for me, and is a good reminder that this is where God wants me to be.
Errol - The first time I sang with the group was at Waterford SDA Church. I just joined the group... Like the Saturday before. When I got to Waterford, we were asked to sing. I just joined the group which means I would not have known any of the songs they rehearsed. Despite this, we found a song we all knew and they asked me to lead it. Me! They didn't know my capabilities or anything like that, yet still they trusted me to lead. After that day I was like "Yup. Ammo stay here".
Daniel - The first time I sang publicly with the group. I never knew the lyrics to the song & had to be learning on stage. & it was one of the best performances I’ve been apart of to date. The ministry & impact we had on the congregation gave me purpose & sealed that I needed to be using my gifts for good & for God
Chevaughn - I can recall singing at a church in St. Thomas one sabbath. During the song, I recognized that she was very troubled. We stopped in the middle of the song and prayed for her. This broke her to tears. It was one of the most moving experiences I’ve ever had while singing.
PAJE: That was powerful, and we believe those convictions definitely show in the way you all express yourselves through song. So, tell us - Where do you find inspiration when it comes to your song arrangements?
HUMBLE: Everywhere. This world is quite a dynamic space. There is always something happening here in Jamaica. That allows us to write about what is on our hearts.
PAJE: For each member, what would you say it's been like being a part of this group and thinking about the impact that the Lord has called you to make?
Justin - I feel very fortunate to be part of this group. Not many people know what their gift is. The ability to Know and to use our gifts for His glory is truly a peculiar blessing. Seeing hearts moved each time we sing is a reminder that it is not in our own strength, but His.
Julan - Sometimes it is an awesome task carrying this mantle of minister. It takes hard work and consistency, especially while no one is watching. Knowing that I have a responsibility of carrying younger minds to the knowledge of Jesus is quite humbling. Seeing others being encouraged by our ministry is life-changing.
Aaron - Humble is built on friendship and faith, Generally when we get together for rehearsal we start off with worship which leads us into deep conversations and that takes up 90% of the time, then there is that one person to say come man we need to practice, which is definitely bad time management. However, those conversations usually opens us up more to what we are about to sing, the words you hear are coming straight from our hearts, it’s not just about the lyrics but how each melody expresses our troubles, gratitude or whatever we may be feeling at the time. When we share that with others, when I hear that someone was touched through a song, I am encouraged and I feel blessed that God has given me a talent to spread his word and his love
Errol - Singing with this group has been nothing short of amazing. I love singing and I love music and this group has allowed me to do and enjoy both at the same time. Seeing the impact we have and the way in which our music reach people and touch lives? Phenomenal!
Daniel - It’s been a fun filled, spiritual journey. The Lord has blessed us with these musical gifts so we have the responsibility of using it to influence other young people through our music to be encouraged in their spiritual journeys.
Chevaughn - It has been such a blessing. I have seen tangible evidence of God’s hand during our ministry. People who we have not met- as far as Zimbabwe have spoken of how our music makes them feel and the positive presence that it adds to their worship experience. Truly incredible.
PAJE: Thanks a lot for sharing that with us. We've gotta express that we're absolutely happy you're back having been fans of you for years prior. What would you say led to you deciding that you wanted to relaunch even after so much time away and would you say that there's anything different about the group now?
HUMBLE: Even though we were singing, not many people were aware, as there wasn’t much effort to take our ministry outside of our own four walls. As time progressed, we felt the tangible pull of God to extend our reach once again, as we strongly believe He has called us to a higher purpose. [Pregarding any changes] Outside of the faces (lol) - The sound is different. Individuals have grown and the new arrivals have allowed us to add more colour and dynamism to our music. We have also been more intentional in writing, as we believe it is very important to own your content. It has been quite a fun experience.
PAJE: You recently released a single (Feb 12) called 'Try Him Out'. What was it like voicing this song and what made you decide that you were going to start the year with this track?
HUMBLE: It was such an interesting journey. Firstly, we recorded Try Him Out in a makeshift studio that we created. We were soo invested in creating this song, that we would stop at nothing to get it done. We’ll be showing some of the highlights on our page. We felt that it would be a good attention grabber. Something that had a good vibe, with a message that is solid. Coincidentally, it was reggae month, so that made it all the more special.
PAJE: Now that you're fully back, tell us what we can look forward to at least for 2023 - are there any special projects coming our way?
HUMBLE: Absolutely! This song is 1 of many that will be featured on our album this year! This will be an album with a difference, with something there for everyone. [Look forward to] more dynamic music and a greater, deeper presence in the music space.
PAJE: Now, we can't believe it, but we're coming to the end of our chat with you and so we want to spend some time encouraging our readers. What would you say to the persons who are reluctant to Try Him Out because they believe that Christians are hypocrites/bad people?

HUMBLE: For us, the church is a sick bay. There are no perfect people here, only a perfect God.
As such, we are bound to see hypocrites and the like. However, don’t focus on the patients in the hospital, focus on the One who can heal you.
PAJE: You're so right on that! On the flipside (but definitely the very same coin) What would you say to the persons who feel like God has abandoned them through some of the most difficult seasons in their life?
HUMBLE: It is in the darkest moments of our lives, when God seems silent, that He shows up the strongest. James says to count it all joy, because the testing of our faith produces patience. Now is the time to exercise your faith in Him, and we PROMISE, He will show Himself mighty.
PAJE: What would you say to persons who want to share their talent for God but they feel like it's so unique that it won't be accepted?
HUMBLE: The body of Christ consists of many limbs and members. Don’t allow popularity to kill your creativity. Use what God has given you to edify His church.
PAJE: Wow, we've gotta say that learning about this group has really been so special and we're honoured to have been able to get your time as we know that coordinating schedules could not have been easy. With that, we pray God's richest blessings over each of you and your families. We are excited about what He is about to do in each of your lives and also as a solid unit and just know, we're cheering for you!
Before we go, Is there anything else you would want to say to our readers?
A parting note from HUMBLE: We love you all and cannot wait to share our new music with you, and sit down to fellowship. Be encouraged that God is doing a great thing. Continue to pray for your sons that we will keep true to the will of God
Check out Teach Us from HUMBLE since our sit-down with them!
Wow, this time with HUMBLE was truly impactful, we've gotta say. Thank you so much for your time, energy and effort! We pray that God will continue to shine a light on the group's way forward and that you'll continue to make a huge impact on those you encounter.
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