"God's presents (gifts) makes no sense without His presence" - Pastor Shereca Whyte
Exodus chapter 33 speaks explicitly about God making it known to the Israelites that He would give them that which was promised to them from their generations past; a land flowing with milk and honey. He made it quite clear that no foe or enemy would stand in the way of them attaining that which He spoke concerning them but He said His presence would not go with them because they were a stubborn and rebellious people.
Imagine God finally giving you the desires of your heart, answering the prayers you've been earnestly praying, turning your mourning into dancing, opening the flood gates of Heaven and pouring out blessings you have no room to receive, but He would not be in the midst of it all?
How would you feel? Do you believe that which you received would be durable without Him?
Often times we think in receiving gifts, automatically God is in it but we have to discern His presence and also want Him more than what He has to offer; we have to get to the place where we want God more than anything and our resolve is if He is not in it, we don't want it.
Moses, in Exodus 33, basically pleaded with God to not allow them to walk into the promise without His presence because Moses understood what the presence of the Lord was and what happened when they carried God wherever they went.

Make no mistake, the presence of the Lord does not dwell where sin, corruption and idol worship abides because:
1. He will not share His glory or place with any man or anything for that matter and,
2. What business does light have with darkness?
As such we must put off our ornaments (everything that takes the rightful position of God) in repentance and seek the face of God so that we might build a stronger relationship with Him, waiting patiently before Him and be in constant communication with Him to know that His presence is with us before, during and after the fulfilment of what He has spoken.
Presents from God are good but without His presence, guidance and instructions they are wasted amenities in the hands of men.
Yes, you can receive and achieve but how long will it last without God?
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