Have you ever been frustrated to the point of change? Have you ever been so sick and tired of the way things are that it thrusts you into wanting something different, life changing and transformative?
During a conversation with worship Pastor, Pastor Samantha Thompson, she asked a very provoking yet critical question;
"Do you enjoy being in bondage?"

Realistically speaking, the natural answer is "no" because the idea of being wrapped up, tied up, tangled up with seemingly no point of escape or release is not something to be enjoyed but the truth is some of us do enjoy it.
Some of us live in open cages; we have been awarded freedom however, we prefer to continuously live within the confines of the things that held us bound.
Bondage can be classified as hurt, trauma, toxic relationship experiences, pride, our past, hatred, bitterness, parental issues, oppression, depression, anxiety and by the grace of God we have been delivered from these things.
However, we like to entertain the feelings and the emotions that they carry, whether we want to admit it or not and whether we realize it or not.
So, even when the Holy Spirit wants to turn a new page in our lives and to take us to the next level there's no progression because we refuse to change.
It's time to get tired!

It's not enough to be saying you're yielded and submitted to God; your life must also reflect it and the Lord is waiting on some of us to become so tired of the way our lives are that we give up and we give Him the room to work and move.
He wants us to be so fed up of our own ways that we begin to plead to Him "if it's not pleasing You, take it out of me".
He wants us to be so tired that we truly repent and we diligently and consistently seek Him and Him only.
He wants us to get so tired that we become willing to change the posture of our hearts.
We must decrease so that He can increase in us. We must get tired of ourselves so that He can do His will.
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