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Live a More Fulfilling Life through Volunteerism

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, "I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me (Matthew 25:36). Jesus in essence delights in us looking out for those in need, those who could use some extra love, and also those who need to hear the Gospel. Volunteer work may be tricky in this pandemic season but we still wanted to share some possibilities with you.

Volunteering your time for visitations may not be as popular right now due to COVID-19 but volunteering could look like this:

  • Joining teams to do a beach or road clean up

  • Hosting a Thrift event for charity

  • Packaging food for distribution

  • Collecting items of clothing for distribution through a donation drive

  • Reading books to sick children

  • Singing or reciting poetry for sick patients

… and so much more

The truth is that volunteerism isn't confined to one shape or form and so that gives everyone a solid opportunity to provide help or support to others who are in need of specific support.

In case we've got you thinking, we are definitely able to say that once you get into the groove of volunteerism, you realize just how much it's not about you, but really about the impact that is created through these acts of service. Then you'll possibly realize that:

  • It's actually a lot of fun

  • Feeling that feel-good feeling knowing you've done something selfless is one that you can't trade

  • You'll gain confidence from leading a team, learning something new, or just having a sense of accomplishment

  • You're destined to meet new people that can potentially change your life too

  • Doing something new and possibly outside of your comfort zone is one of the best things you could've done

So, the question now is, where can you find opportunities to Volunteer:

  • Places of worship

  • Salvation armies

  • Environmental clubs

  • Shelters

  • Retirement homes

  • Prisons

If it is that you want to also do it in a more private way, or in a way that feels a bit more pandemic-safe based on your own circumstances, we encourage you to look inside and see what you can do or give to make a difference in the life of someone else today. No matter how small, it will go a long way.









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