Sometimes, you'll find that at different points in the year, we focus on specific areas of self-care; testing yourself for types of cancer, reducing risks of diabetes, nurturing your mental health, combatting obesity, and more. What if that slightly disjointed approach affects the way we care for ourselves? What if that is what causes us to not see our health as something that should be holistically maintained?

Let's review some quick tips that can help you to restore balance and live healthily:
Talk to God regularly - Deepening your relationship with God helps you to move forward stronger and more grounded. It allows us to process emotions, challenging situations, doubts, fear, and hurt in a different way - a way that sees us moving forward in peace that literally passes all understanding. When you also understand your identity in Christ and how God sees you, there'll be a subconscious inspiration to take care of yourself as a vessel to glorify Him.
Take Care of Your Appearance - Let’s talk about self-care and if you are a Christian you may be wondering is it a sin to take care of your appearance or it is a sin for Christians to care about their looks. To answer your question in a nutshell, the answer is NO. You can take care of your physical appearance and present yourself in the best way possible without becoming vain. This doesn’t mean you need to have designer clothes or lots of makeup, but you can put thought into how you look. Not only are we the “temple of the Holy Spirit,” but Ephesians 2:10 says “we are God’s masterpiece”. Therefore, seek to honor and glorify God in your appearance just as you would seek to in other areas.
Maintain A Healthy Diet - It's important to note that when we say 'diet', it doesn't mean that you're automatically going to be starving yourself. In fact, we're not going to sit here and provide you with some generic diet recommendations. Instead, we want to remind you to acknowledge your body for its dynamism and for the fact that you need to spend the time to get to know your body so that you can recognize the right types of foods and beverages for it without causing allergic reactions or the like.
Sleep Well - Yea, the idea of 'Team No Sleep' isn't as glamourous as it sounds. When you don't allow yourself to rest and rejuvenate, you deprive your body of well-needed time to recalibrate. When that's done consistently, your body begins to deteriorate faster, making you look and feel older - faster.
Exercise Regularly - Apart from the great potential of keeping off those unwanted pounds, exercising helps to keep your blood pumping, and allows you to receive a healthy release in terms of processing your emotions.
Incorporate Mental Health Nurturing Activities - Believe it or not, doing the things that make you feel most fulfilled and alive is one of the best things you can do to nurture your mental health. Those hobbies you tossed a few years ago, or the places that cause you to have fond memories? Yea, they all contribute to a positive emotional rebirth that will help you to improve your wellbeing overall.
We're sure you can agree that there are many other variables incorporated in taking care of ourselves, but having this 6-step blueprint to help you change the game for yourself will help you to step into a healthier, more balanced YOU.