You've heard her on the airwaves for years. You've seen her host with poise and excellence time and time again. You've seen her express herself musically and through written work. You've seen her invest her entire being into the building and nurturing of the Kingdom. Is there any doubt about who this powerful Kingdom woman is? We speak of none other than Nadine Blair - a passionate woman of God who loves the Lord and His people. PAJE got the chance to catch up with her so we could ensure that our PAJE Fam knows a bit more about her! So, let's get right to it!

PAJE: So, Nadine, over the years, we have been able to watch, hear the voice of, and grow with Nadine Blair - so it almost feels like we fully know you. However, in your own words, how would you describe yourself?
I love people and I love happy endings – though I know we can’t always get that. I strongly believe in trying our best in working out misunderstandings, resolving issues and moving on, however that looks.
I live by the code:
- Live Love; Let your first thought be love.
- Forgive Easy; Ain’t nobody got time to hold people up in our hearts – we just don’t know the full story
- Live Ready; What if Jesus came now? Would we be ready? Live Ready!
I love young people – every opportunity I get to share with young people I look forward to doing so. I love praying with and talking with and fighting for them in prayer.
I love worship – also every opportunity I get to lead worship or be in a worship space – I’m ready. And it is most important to LIVE WORSHIP too.
PAJE: Got you! Media mogul, singer, host, and more - was THIS the lifestyle you envisioned for yourself when you were younger?
Nadine: Not at all – but it was an easy transition because of my life. Growing up as a PK- Pastor’s kid (child) I was always in the forefront – I was very involved in church leading the drama group and lead singer for my singing group back then – Celestial Gems. My father was a pastor and my mom was a teacher so speaking English was the norm – we learnt to speak proper English and in my various roles in church I learnt to speak up.
PAJE: What would you say has kept you motivated in serving in the multiple ways you do?
Nadine: I love what I do. I see everything I do as an opportunity to encourage people. If I can say, sing or do something that encourages someone – makes them laugh – allows them to see a way out of their challenges – I’m all for it. And I LOVE MUSIC!!! Put me in a studio now and no matter how tired I am I am awakened and I begin to flow…LOVE IT!!!

PAJE: So we know loads about your ministry and career moves - tell us 5 things about yourself that the public wouldn't readily know about you.
a. I am a very good driver that drives HARD!
b. I don’t support talking behind people’s backs – You never know what is going on in someone’s mind
c. I don’t believe in judging people – God has the final say.
d. I love nature
e. I don’t like chocolate but I love snickers - lol
PAJE: Lol got it! Now, we're curious - Over the past 3 years, especially, many Christians have had their faith tested in multiple ways. What are the 3 biggest lessons you have learned in the last 3 years?
1. “If I don’t start, I won’t start – So start! A quote by Nadine Blair. This is what I said to myself when I finally got up from my lazy self and started my TV Show “The Nadine Blair Show” – watch it on CGTV, PBCJ and on my YouTube Channel @NadineBlair. Check out an episode below:
2. I also found the strength after my friend Ava-Gay encouraged me to set a date and work backwards. I found a new friend in author M.A. Malcolm – she is an amazing Jamaican writer who has authored several books – also available on Amazon. She worked with me and guided me through the do’s and don’ts of writing. I wrote my book “Sing Your Song” – available on Amazon – during Covid thanks to these two women:

3. Family is everything – during this time my dad’s health kept waning. I saw my mom live out what it means to have and to hold. She is standing by dad even now – she still does his meals, ensures he is ok – it is amazing to watch. I remember when most of us in the house had covid – dad had a little cough but it wasn’t covid but mom was fine – we all did tests. Mom had to become Mother Teresa for the entire house. She is an amazing woman. Be there for your family NOW!!! It matters.
PAJE: Woa, talk about some solid lessons with actions to match! One of the great attributes about you is your consistency in serving through multiple capacities and making yourself available to support multiple movements in the Kingdom - that must take A LOT of energy! How would you say you balance everything you do?
Nadine: Stay in plenty prayer. And try my best to exercise – Truth is it is very hard. Sometimes I wish I had someone to push me to exercise consistently. I am the one who pushes everyone around me and everyone thinks I have it all together – I don’t. So I make sure I take time out – self care…etc. But even when I’m on leave I’m giving so…I dunno. lol
PAJE: LOVE 101 - it has certainly blossomed over the years, and we're loving it. How has the journey with LOVE 101 been for YOU?
Nadine: A challenge. Loads of fun – Plenty work – but absolutely satisfying. It is amazing the stories of persons who have been blessed by a song, a thought, a prayer – so much. God is truly amazing. I don’t know how much longer I will be here but I value and treasure every single lesson learnt, every battle, every victory. Love 101 FM is a special place. May the REAL force continue to be with us. GOD!!!

PAJE: When thinking of your relationship with God, what are the 3 main things that you'd say have seen the most growth/evolution?
1. Early morning prayers and personal worship
2. Deeper understanding of God and my place in God via Apostle Joshua Selman ministry.
3. His Love for me – nothing – no one – nuttn can separate me from how much God loves me…and I love HIM so!!!!!
PAJE: What would you say to the person who is at a crossroads between devoting their life's work and talents completely to God versus pursuing interests that are not overtly in line with their Christian beliefs?
Nadine: Eternity is a real thing. After all of this…the next thing is what really matters – what really counts. Apostle Selman would say “Life is Spiritual” – so what really matters is what you do now. What will last for good is what we do for Christ. I would rather live right and do His bid and find out there is no heaven after than live outside His will and then find out it is true. BUT I DO KNOW AND BELIEVE – GOD IS REAL. And His Love for me means He will direct and guide and choose the best for me…because He knows all things. So why not just trust and obey Him?
PAJE: Wow, thanks for your time and energy, Nadine - and for choosing to devote your life to God and His people. Is there anything else you'd like to say before you go?
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