When people think about giving their lives to God, a knot begins to form in their stomach. There is an immediate resistance to it, as feelings of restriction and bondage comes to mind. They often think of what they would have to give up in order to become a Christian. Some believe it is a method of control. Something that man made up to keep them oppressed, preventing them from living the free life they want to live. They are hesitant, some blatantly refusing to give up their sin, or their normal way of life. They believe that God is with them as they do a lot of good and pray and read the Bible and get their blessings from God and their get their prayers answered.

This is a deception that a lot of people buy into. That because they do and receive all these things, it means that God is with them. Romans 2:4 states that God’s kindness is intended for us to repent. To turn away from your sin. Not to take it as He is pleased with your current way of life.
See, He has better for us in mind. Better than we are able to see with our natural eyes and mind. His plans were not so we could just live the best life on earth we can and then die. He is not a limited God. Anything God does lasts. His purposes last. So, we are not just a mere drop in the universe to attain what we can, only for us to lose it. He is El Olam. The Eternal God with an eternal mindset. For us.
He wants to not only live among but within us. Giving us His way of life. His way of thinking. His way of being. He wants to partner with us to become the highest version of ourselves that He had created us to be. His own designer brand. Each of us are a uniquely branded and crafted by Him. Who else to teach us how to live life but the One who created it? Why settle for what you think it is supposed to be or how things are supposed to be done? That’s where the Bible comes in. It acts as a guide for us to know we are on the right path, walking in alignment with His will for our lives. Listen, you can grasp for anything on this world there is to attain and still left feeling unfulfilled. This world has so much and no more to offer us. So, when we get all we can, what else is there? On the other hand, God is infinite. He has no end. There is no attaining all of Him since He cannot be contained or quantified.
So yes, when we strive after Him, and get to understand, love, and know him, we want more of Him. But guess what? There is always more of Him to give. So, the more you crave, the more you are filled. The more that need is satisfied. He is a spring that never runs dry. Consider the river. It never stops flowing. No one knows where the water is coming from and how it never runs out. Not even in a drought.
Same as our Lord. He never runs out of supply. He never runs out of love. We are the ones who run out of everything, and so we need Him to constantly replenish us. And when He does so, He does it in a way that is healthy. Beneficial to our well-being.
Unlike drugs, alcohol, and sex, His replenishing and renewal doesn’t leave us more damaged. Even if it still attains the goal, for example, wealth or marriage, a part of us is left broken. When it is in His hands however, He heals whatever wounds there needs to be healed, fill us where we run dry, all with the power of His Spirit. The Comforter indeed. There is no greater love than this. So, there’s no need to run, hide or settle for what just this life, what you can see, has to offer. Come and be with your Maker.
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