Jamaican-Canadian Gospel Artiste, K-Anthony, has been making moves in the industry for a minute, now, and it's no wonder he's been recognized intermittently for his consistent, quality work for the Lord. We've been following his journey for some time and we're so proud of the steps he's been making as a Jamaican, and as a committed and talented minister for the Lord. We got a chance to catch up with him recently so that our PAJE Fam could get to know him. Let's jump in!

PAJE: Now, first of all, we've been following your journey for some time and we must say we are extremely proud of the steps you've been taking, especially noting your Jamaican heritage! With that in mind, we would love to know - in your own words, WHO is K-Anthony?
K-Anthony: Thank you. My Jamaican heritage is something I hold close to my heart.
K-Anthony is a Christian artiste, who is passionate about music ministry. I am a people person; I like meeting people whether it is on social media or in person. I have a desire to see everyone living a fulfilled and complete life in Jesus.
PAJE: Your voice and depth in your musical expressions are captivating, and showcase a deep walk with Christ. What are 3 major characteristics that you would use to describe your relationship with God, and ,why?
1. Dynamic - because its a growing process and I sometimes don't know where God is taking me, but I trust Him.
2. Real - my life is open to Him, He knows me inside out and so there is no pretense.
3. Fulfilling - Growing up I used to to hear older folks say it pays to serve Jesus. I have proven this many times. The pay may not be in money. I feel an overwhelming joy when I hear testimonies of how my songs have touched someone-pull them back from the brink of depression or turn a backsliding Christian around.
PAJE: Tell us, what is it that made you decide that a life with Jesus is worth not only walking, but truly encouraging others to live?
K-Anthony: Well, for me it has to be the personal encounters I have had with Jesus, I have experienced him pulling me back and call me back to him because I had gone from the right path. I want others to know: You don't need to know - God loves them even when they are not getting it right.
PAJE: Was becoming a Christian artiste always your plan or did you have something else in mind?
K-Anthony: No, when I was growing up I had plans to be a track star, but God had something else planned for me. Since I prefer to walk in His will, I have no regrets

PAJE: What would you say to the person who feels like they've got a lot to give but they don't feel like they're good enough to actually be of great use to God and the Kingdom?
K-Anthony: We are all unique as a thumb and so we should find our voice and use it. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, not one person was born without a gift, maximize your gift by developing it and be fearless in sharing it. God's got you, just believe!
PAJE: We saw that you grew up in Falmouth What are the 5 top things that you'll always admire/appreciate about the Jamaican culture?
1. Togetherness
2. Ambition - we go for better
3. We find a way to be happy despite
4. Resilience
5. We are still a God fearing nation.
PAJE: Speaking of your Jamaican heritage, we heard that from your time in Jamaican churches, you've had a specific appreciation for hymns! We'd love to know, what are the top 3 hymns that are etched in your heart and why is that the case?

'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God'. Great is they faithfulness. Blessed Assurance. I feel a strong degree of comfort knowing that Jesus will never change and of course that He fights for me.
'Great Is Thy Faithfulness'. One stanza says morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed they hands have provided. Great is they faithfulness Lord on to me. This speaks to me as I see the providential hands of God in my life guiding me, and just renewing His promise to take care of me, everyday.
'Blessed Assurance'. This song is really a classic. I particularly like that line that says, "O what a foretaste of Glory divine." It makes me happy to experience the love of God in my life right now and also that I have the promise I can spend eternity with Him. The ceaseless days of eternity.
PAJE: Speaking of music, who are your top musical influences?
K-Anthony: This list has been modified over the years but I would say:
Brian McKnight
Bob Marley
John Legend
Ottis Redding
Beris Hammond
Fred Hammond
Acapella Groups
Boyz 2 Men
PAJE: What would you say to the person who has big dreams but feels like they are bound by their past or the circumstances that they were born into?
K-Anthony: I would use my life as an example. It is God who has given us the ability to have such dreams and there is no limit on what he can do. So many times we feel so limited by our present circumstances, and of course things may be harder for someone who does not have the advantage of money or family connections per say, but this just means you must work harder, be committed to the task and seek help.
There are persons God will ordain to cross your path that will help you on the journey. And finally it is really up to you, you must take responsibility for your life despite the disadvantages past or present.
PAJE: Speaking of big dreams, we're absolutely proud of K-Anthony for his recent award! Gospel Artiste of the Year by the Covenant Awards body? Mayn!
May the Lord continue to order his steps and be an unending resource as he seeks to continue His work!

PAJE: By the way - Do you have any upcoming projects we can look out for?
K-Anthony: Yes, there are. In the new year I'll be dropping a collaborative single at the end of January
PAJE: Over the past 3 years, many Christians have found their faith tested in one way or another. What would you say are the biggest lessons you've learned in the past 3 years?
K-Anthony: Yes indeed it has been a 3 years for everyone, Christians included. I always hear persons say it sometimes gets bad before it gets better, but these years seemed to get worse.. in an almost never ending cycle. But, I have learned to see God even in the worse of circumstance, He is there and He still cares.
I have learned to be still in the moment and let God fight the battles where I can't. Put things in perspective. These years have helped me to really decide what things are important and what are really not. We are often creatures of comfort but many times lessons are learned best in discomfort.

PAJE: On a regular day, if you had no shows and no external obligations, what are three things K-Anthony would definitely be doing?
K-Anthony: I would be spending some time with my family, probably going for a drive somewhere or having a picnic.
I could also be found sitting somewhere peaceful-under a tree maybe listening music or having a moment of reflection with God.
I may also use the time to catch up with friends, so many who have been a source of encouragement to me on this journey.
PAJE: K-Anthony, thank you SO much for taking the time to share with us! We are excited for you and we look forward to what the Lord will continue to do in and through you for years to come! Before you go, do you have anything you'd like to say to encourage the PAJE Fam (our audience)?
K-Anthony: Sometimes life gets hard and knocks you down but don't give up. There is a song I wrote through a trying moment:
"It's not over until God say so don't you give up now, don't you give up now, darker days are just before the dawn don't you give up now don't you give up now".
The sun will come out after the rainfall.
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