Now, if you're Jamaican, there is a 90% chance that some way, some how you've possibly heard the name 'Jodian Pantry'. To go further... "What can I give to You, the great I am...I am not a shepherd so I cannot give a lamb.... I'll give my heart..."
Y'all, memory lane, but of course, Jodian has grown before our eyes and has carved her path in life with God's guidance, and through many seasons. We wanted to hear a bit from her to see where she's at and to allow you to get to know her a bit more! So, without futher ado, PAJE Fam, let's jump in!

PAJE: 'Jodian Pantry' - a name that is etched in the minds of so many Jamaicans, as we feel like we've really grown with you and like we know you. But, in your own words, WHO are you?
Jodian: Jodian Pantry is a devoted woman, who enjoys serving people. One who also loves Jesus Christ beyond words can ever express. She has been betrayed, neglected, rejected, lied on and hurt by different people, in different spaces and places but this still doesn't stop her FROM LOVING WHOLEHEARTEDLY and growing into becoming someone of significant Impact to the world at large. She loves deeply from her heart. She's a giver, an empath and she is super gifted, anointed and talented.
PAJE: You've been able to experience a wide variety of things as you've grown, and we're sure that with being exposed to various things, came some very hard decisions and things to test your morals and faith. When it comes to your relationship with God, what would you say are the top 3 things that have kept you committed to Him through the changing seasons in your life?
Jodian: My Soul has kept me committed to Him through changing seasons in my life. I can't imagine fighting through so many trials and tests to losing my soul afterwards. I prefer going where God is to feast at His table surrounded by His Glory, in His presence sounds way better to be than in Hell.
Secondly, my Protection. The JCF, JDF, Government, families, friends and spouses can't give us the type Protection we need to be kept safe from all EVIL and Harm. How can I live out my purpose and give birth to the things I'm here on this earth to do, if I don't have God's protection.
Lastly. I Believe in Him. Isn't it amazing knowing that all our blessings and breakthroughs are wrapped up in Him? Isn't it amazing that no matter the horrible things people say about us and do to us, Him God has the Final say and plan. He's a God of completion, He just doesn't leave His people hanging. I'm never left hanging, I've prove Him more and more everyday, and so my belief in Him keeps me committed. Fully committed. He doesn't lie concerning His promises to us.
PAJE: From what we've witnessed, you're a philanthropist, business owner, lover of music and lover of God above else. What has your journey through the years looked like in truly figuring out what you want to do with your life?
Jodian: My journey throughout the years was pretty exhausting. Trying to be someone you are not, trying to fit in, and trying to be because PEOPLE SAY SO, is not necessarily a place to be at. In fact that's a cage of limitations.
After realizing, that my talent is mine, God given, and that everyone won't and can't be pleased. After realizing that God has come through for me over and over, never has He ever forsaken me, very soon I had to make the right choice and that was to LIVE FOR HIM, to be submissive to Him so that I could be lead by Him, hear from Him and Go where He leads. I needed doors of right opportunities to be opened by Him for me.
PAJE: In delving into philanthropy and entrepreneurship especially, they require a different type of drive. What 3 main things would you say have kept you motivated in pursuing those paths?
My love for people
The way I feel after giving back.
God loves all cheerful givers
PAJE: We want to know, particularly, where did your passion for music actually begin?
Jodian: As early as 7 years old. Those moments where I was put to stand upon table tops, speaker boxes or chairs, so people could watch this little baby sing her heart out at church rallies, crusades and Penny concerts catapulted me to here.
PAJE: Do you have any projects coming up soon?
Jodian: Most certainly, I'm working on somethings in the kitchen, however I'm not ready to disclose it. I have over the years been disclosing and I'm yet to give birth to some of my projects. God is up to some great things in my life and I am EXPECTANT!
PAJE: What would you say to the person who feels like they need to keep up this mask of perfection to onlookers because they've been placed on a pedestal by others?
Jodian: A mask will eventually fall. People are usually demask sooner or later, either by their overwhelming situations, by their confidant who can fail them or by God. God literally knows how to humble us by breaking us apart to put us back together again.
On this note, being our true authentic self is one of the most self liberating feeling ever. You get to really share with the world who you are.
You get to share parts of your story and testimonies so others can be UPLIFTED by it, get their breakthroughs from it, and even LEARN from it. Why the MASK? It is so amazing when we are able to tell who we are before trouble exposes us or before others do it for you in a Fabricated way. It's ok to BE IMPERFECT. Imperfection and flawed doesn't mean you are NOT a GREAT INDIVIDUAL. As far as I know, people mask to hide their bad habits and imperfections, but truth is the imperfections and bad habits still doesn't take away from the Gifts God has given us to be an example to others out there.
PAJE: Thanks a lot for your time, Jodian! Before you go, do you have anything else you'd like to share with the PAJE Fam?
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