Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
A month ago, my eldest son was heading out for school. He and our neighbor's son had just passed the gate and was heading for the bus stop. I heard a loud commotion and screams, so I rushed out to see what was happening. I saw my son springing towards the house, but he was unable to open the grill. Also I saw my neighbor and his dog walking to their home. I asked my son "what was the matter?", he said he saw the dog running towards him and he ran. Based on my observation, the dog ran to its home, while the other walked with its master towards their home. My neighbor was taken aback by his frantic displayed commotion, as he walked passed our gate.
My husband laughed and said; "Now you can use this as one of your everyday practical experiences to make the word of God come to life. And I sure did.
Isn't it true, that we do the very same thing my son did; running away from that which we fear, even when the Lord instructs us not to be afraid? We run away from the God who has been our strong deliverer, shield and protector, the one who said when we go through the waters we will not drown, when we go through the fire, we will not be burnt. We run away from that which we fear, only to find out that which we fear, is not heading to us, and even so, The Lord our God is mighty to save us.

Fear restricts holistic growth - whether spiritually, physically, emotionally or psychologically - it negatively impacts our growth.
If we have fear of the future, it will prevent us from doing that which will enhance stable strong development.
2 Peter 3:18 Peter encourages us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of a sound mind. If the mind is not spiritually sound, then there cannot be any physical growth, as everything is connected in the human body.
To survive in this life, we have to ensure that we stay connected to the source of our growth; which is Jesus Christ and starve every fear we have in this life that prevents us from moving forward.
When we are are completely dependent on Jesus Christ, He leads, we follow, and there is no fear in following Him.
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We will not fear for God is with us as well able to deliver. Thank you for the devotion.
Sometimes on our journey with Jesus Christ it's not easy not to fear I think not knowing what is going to happen to us a head on the walk with him is what we fear What next is coming our way. I like this one my poor boy sorry I would run too bitten by my dog's before ( who feels it knows it) 🤣❤️