Nehemiah 4:6 So we built the wall and the entire wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a heart to work. v15-16; So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty two days. When all our enemies heard about it, and all the gentile nations around us saw it, they, they lost their confidence; for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.

When we think of the word RE-BUILD, what comes to mind? The prefix Re means again, or again and again. To build means to construct, erect, raise, strengthen, fashion, improve, multiply, assemble, model, create, form, shape etc. To rebuild something, it tells us that it was there before. so let us play with some of the synonyms that means to rebuild. When we think to Re-Build; we think Re-Fashion, Re-Create, Re-Assemble, Re-Model, Re-Construct; and all these words suggests doing again. If we are to rebuild, it means something was once there, that has been broken down, or demolished.
As a result of the Babylonian siege on Jerusalem, the walls were torn down and destroyed; (burnt to the ground) and Jerusalem was left without protection. The Babylonians were used to punish Israel for their adultery and disobedience to God. After over fifty years, Nehemiah learnt that the walls of Jerusalem were still broken down; he went to God and wept in fasting and prayers. God answered Nehemiah and allowed him to get the approval and favor of his king to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls.
Nehemiah was not without opposition, frustration, intimidation and distress from his enemies. Two of such were Sanballat and Tobiah. They were the main instigators of the distress that Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem would have encountered. Despite the challenges, Nehemiah with the willingness and hard working unity of the people rebuild the walls in fifty two days.
We get a narrative of the events that happened to Jerusalem in the scriptures. But what is your narrative? What wall or walls have been broken down in your life? What series of events occurred in your life that caused the walls to be broken down? Do you see the need to rebuild those walls? What are you doing to ensure that those walls are rebuilt? We all have been met with brokenness one way or the other. Times of discouragement and disappointments, valley moments, times of spiritual and psychological, emotional and physical break downs. But that place is not a place for us to stay, because its a place of death, both physically and spiritually. It doesn't matter how far you think you might have sunk, you can never be too deep, that the hands of God cannot reach reach you. You can never be too torn, that the Lord cannot put you back together again, You cannot be too broken; even to splinters that the Lord cannot mend you back together. God specializes in broken vessels, because He is the master Potter and master Builder.

Its time to rebuild your walls! Time to reform, reshape, reassemble, rehabilitate your life, so that the treasure you have inside of you can be secured.
Recondition your thoughts so that your actions will follow those thoughts of love and cheerfulness.
God has planted something in your heart, and its for you to treasure, but if the walls are in ruins, then the treasure will be left exposed.
God has people lined up to give you the help you need to recover and rebuild.
It doesn't matter how far you have drifted, He is the master of the winds and the waves.
When you are rebuilding, you will not be without critics. Your accusers will be there to remind you of the mistakes you had made, that landed you in the position of being broken, but stay the course. Your Sand ballots and tobiahs will be there to jeer you as you start the process of reconciliation, but stay the course; for the lord will be favorable to you and give you favour with men also.
They thought you would have been in shambles forever, assumed your relationship with Jesus have become non existent, but they didn't know, that those little prayers of "have mercy on me Jesus, Help me Jesus, forgive me Jesus, don't give up on me yet Jesus" was reaching the thrown room of heaven, and that God was using them to rebuild your relationship with Him. He was using those little prayers of faith to rebuild your self-worth and confidence in him. They didn't know that you received and was receiving strength through His forgiveness from that broken contrite heart of yours and you are on your way to full recovery.
Never be intimidated by those who are enraged about your growth and restoration process. You are not the one doing the restoring but God. It does not matter how many days they have given you to fall broken again, stay on course with Jesus and rebuild. Their taunting will be of no effect. As you make it up in your mind to rebuild, I declare to you that:
Everything in your life that has been laid ruined is being repaired.
Every dead dream, is coming to life .
Every purpose for your life is being fulfilled.
Every Godly desires is being granted.
Beauty for ashes is activated.
Increase for decrease.
Every unauthorized access to your life be nullified to the praise and glory of Jesus Christ.
Remember where you were, what took you from where you were, fortify yourself (strengthened, reintegrate yourself) and rebuild those walls.
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A Timely Word For Such A Time Like This!!