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Let's Make: Carrot Juice

As the summer months are approaching and the time is getting hotter homemade fruit or vegetable juices are the perfect and healthy way to keep refreshed.

This homemade carrot juice is pretty simple and easy to make.


  • 3lbs of Carrots

  • 2/3 medium Lime/Lemon

  • 1 medium-sized whole Ginger

  • Brown Sugar

  1. Firstly we start off by washing our carrots and the whole ginger.

  2. Then use a vegetable peeler to remove the o

  3. Outer layer of the carrots and dice them into medium-sized pieces. While you can cut the ginger into a few small pieces.

  4. Next, add carrots and ginger into a blender with 3-4 cups of filtered water. Then blend on high for a few minutes.

  5. Once the carrot is thoroughly blended pour the contents into a strainer over a jug and strain to extract all the juices.

  6. Repeat the process until all the juice has been extracted.

  7. Next using a citrus hand juicer, juice the lemons or limes and pour them into the jug with the strained juice.

  8. Then sweeten to taste with a few spoons of brown sugar, 2-3 spoons worked without making the juice overly sweet.

  9. Lastly, you can refrigerate or pour in a glass and enjoy your fresh homemade Carrot juice.


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