We're pretty sure we are all aware of the Meatless Monday trend, which was started to basically encourage us to eat more vegetables for both our personal health and that of the environment. If you haven't joined this trend now is the perfect time to do so, you may even end up liking it and add more meatless days to your week. Let's explore how we can make that happen, shall we?

Here are 3 ways to start incorporating a Meatless day in your week:
1. Switch out one of your meals to a meatless option - The first step to doing this is to select any day out of your week to go meatless, this day doesn't necessarily have to be a Monday it can be any day that you would like. Once that day is selected, you can then identify which mealtime you would opt to do a meatless option. You can do this for a few weeks with alternating days and then move forward in going completely meatless for an entire day.

2 . Identify Easy Meat-free Recipes - There is literally a ton of meat-free recipes online for you to choose from. You can do burgers, pizzas, burritos, soups, pasta, stews the list goes on. However if you wish to purchase instead of making these dishes yourself, there are quite a few vegetarian restaurants as well non-vegetarian restaurants that offer meat-free options.

3. Turn Some of Your Own Recipes Meatless- You can also turn some of your own favorite recipes meatless, simply by switching out the meat options to beans or vegetables. For example, a chicken stir fry can easily be turned into a vegetable stir fry, or for a chicken salad, the chicken can be switched with beans and corn, tofu, veggie chunks, mushrooms, or any other vegetarian alternatives.
We hope these tips will help you start your journey to incorporate more meatless options into your diet. If you've tried any of these tips, comment below and let us know how it worked out for you.