PAJE got the opportunity to sit down with GodSon Four Corners, recently and we've gotta say, we appreciated his authentic responses and the heart that He has for the Lord! Let's jump in!

PAJE: So, GodSon Four Corners, we'd love to know - how would you describe yourself?
GodSon: I would describe myself as determined, dedicated, unique, down to earth, easy to talk to
PAJE: How would you best describe your style of music and writing?
GodSon: I would describe my style as honest, open and real. All songs are written from real experiences be it from my life or the lives of individuals I see around me.
PAJE: 'GodSon Four Corners' - what a name! Tell us the meaning behind it.
GodSon: The meaning behind Godson is actually quite simple in that I'm God's son and the Four Corners simply from the fact that we should take the word of God all over the world.
How the names came to be is another story. At my first recording I was asked for my name after recording the song and I said I didn't have one. The response to me saying that was "you need a name.
Every artiste must have a name. So you see like how you are a God man and you are really God pickney you name GodSon. And that's how that part came to be. The Four Corners came from my 2018 EP where it resonated with me just how much I want to take the gospel everywhere. So with adding that to the name it was just further cementing my intentions and purpose while speaking over my life. A bonus I also realized was it would make it much easier to find me on social media especially seeing there are so many Godsons out there. So that's really the story behind the name.

PAJE: What has the journey been like for you as a Jamaican Gospel Artiste?
GodSon: Honestly it has been an extremely rough one that I wouldn't change or relive in a different way due to all the lessons learnt and songs born out of the journey.
Your experiences and life overall help to prepare you and make you who you are be that good or bad.
The how we respond to each challenge is what makes all the difference. So I have hit the roadblocks but I've also gotten encouragements.
I've felt like I've finally made breakthroughs but I've also felt crushed, defeated, used and abused by systems put in place and like I want to give up on many occasions. I've felt rejected and like my fight is for nothing but I've also felt love. So the journey has just been a roller-coaster. Some moments good, some bad but all valuable.
PAJE: What are 3 things you know now that you wish you knew when you initially started this journey?
1. That only what God says really counts. He validates everything.
2. That just because it is gospel and kingdom building doesn't mean that it will actually be and mean that to everyone you come across in the industry.
3. God gives promotion and his timing is perfect.
PAJE: Do you have any upcoming projects?
GodSon: Yes I do have quite a few things in the pipeline coming to everyone very shortly but I can't let it all out yet. But I'll just say continue to keep your eyes on all social media platforms and pages. Godson Four Corners for all of them. Like the content that's already there, share with friends and family, hit notification bell where possible and just keep glued. Many things coming and I promise you won't be disappointed.

PAJE: When we listen to singles like 'God Got Mi', 'God Inna Mi' and 'God Do It', we truly recognize your passion for not only sharing the good news, but creating anthems for people to sing in all seasons to encourage their spirit! What would you say is the main intention behind the songs you release?
GodSon: To let people know that they are not alone and that more importantly God sees, hears, feels the pain and is in each situation with us. And also to just be a mouthpiece for God.
PAJE: When you think of your relationship with God, what are the top three things you'd say you're grateful for?
1. His unconditional love
2. The opportunity to go to him anywhere, anytime, in any situation and He's there no matter what just ready and waiting
3. His word
PAJE: What would you say to someone who has talent and wants to use it to serve God and minister to His people, but they don't feel like they're good enough?
GodSon: In the words of my fellow minister [Johnmark Wiggan], "1 validation counts". You just need 1 yes and that's from God. It will be tough. Sometimes you'll get discouraged as things and even people seem difficult but keep pressing and Know that God is with you.
PAJE: Thanks a lot for your time and powerful words, GodSon! Before you go, do you have anything else you'd like to say to encourage the PAJE Fam?
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