Tom looks up somberly into the eyes of his fellow classmates as he watches as they critique his new pair of shoes. It's September morning and as much as the new school year is about learning, it's also about showing off what your parents could afford. A few nods and scuffs later, he leaves and sits in his seat feeling a sense of rejection and emptiness.

When we think about it, haven’t we all been a Tom at some point? Driven by the validation of our peers and in some way made or broken by their remarks that determine our own self-worth? But whose validation matters?
God says in Ephesians 1:5-6 AMP “He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as [His own] children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will— to the praise of His glorious grace and favor, which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved [His Son, Jesus Christ].”
So, we are accepted in Christ, the loving Father who knows our flaws and deeds yet calls us sons and daughters of his. He has validated us as more than what may meet the eye. If we know this, we should live in the freedom of HIS love and HIS acceptance, rather than be in the bondage of man’s opinion of who we are.
A job, position, ministry, gift, or riches, cannot fully represent your worth or validate you, it is in God that we live and breathe and have our being. What God thinks about you is more important than what man may ascribe to you with the little they may know.
Saul fell into the trap when he allowed the people's voices to overshadow God's instruction. If he were secure in who he was, he would know that whether the people were pleased with him or not didn’t matter, God already validated him and pleasing God should be above the crowd's praise.
God says you are royalty (1 Peter 2:9), loved (John 3:16), known (Jeremiah 1:5), and chosen (Matthew 22:14). May you be free from the bondage of people’s opinions and settle in the word of God concerning your life.
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Amen! Powerful!