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4 Benefits of Spending Time with your Children

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

The everyday hustle and bustle of life can leave you feeling like you have little to no time to do anything else. However, spending quality time with your child/children is important for their overall development. And by “quality time” we mean actually giving them your undivided attention free from any form of distraction. The truth is our children need to feel loved and cared for as this provides them with a sense of security. Let's explore this some more.

You see children are very observant and as the saying goes “Children live what they learn”, so the way we treat them as parents will definitely shape and impact their lives, their relationship with others and even their own relationship with their children when they grow up. So, though you may be busy or even tired, schedule some downtime with your child/children. It doesn’t always have to be hours a simple 30 mins can do some days and, on the days, you can do more, do more.

Here are 4 benefits of spending time with your child/children:

1. Quality Time Deepens our Bond with our Children – You see when we spend time with our children and give them our undivided attention we start to learn more about them and they also learn more about us. Over time this bond allows you to become more in tune with their different emotions, likes, dislikes, strengths, and also areas of weaknesses.

2. We Learn to Appreciate Them More – The truth is we all get caught up in the everyday responsibilities of life and some days we may end up neglecting to give our children the attention that they need. However, when we do take the time out and spend quality time with them we realize how much we appreciate, love, and are thankful for them. Quality time allows you to see your children for the blessing they, so engaging in “quality time” more often strengthens this appreciation.

3. It Fosters an Environment of Love – Children naturally thrive off of love and affection. There are quite a few studies that show us how much love and affection affect a baby’s developing brain and help them to adapt to their new environment. Love and affection should continue throughout the different stages of growth. One way in which parents can do this is through spending quality time with their children. This helps them to know that they are loved.

4. It Creates an Environment for Open Communication – This is where the deepened bond aspect comes in. You see the more time you spend with your children the more you become aware of every little thing about them, so you recognize when they are having a hard day or going through varying emotions. Checking in with them to see how their day was, what did in school, or their thoughts about a meal, a movie, etc. Helps to set the tone for more open and deeper communication when situations like the above arise. It is key to note that when children feel safe and comfortable they will open up and communicate more. This helps to foster a great parent-child relationship.

The role of a parent is a great one and though we may not always get it right. Striving to be better each time is one of the best things you can do for your children.









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