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3 Principles for Building a God-Honoring Home

Times are changing. That's been truly evident especially in the past 3 years based on all the global happenings. This fact, though, is also becoming quite apparent in our homes. We see shifts in the way families lead their lives, and also how our children are growing. It's easy to get caught up in these changes that tend not to be 'conducive' to a deeply devout Christian lifestyle, however, we want to remind you that you have the power to uphold your commitment to living a solid Christian life through the choices you make in your home.

We know some may fear that the upcoming generation may be a generation that does not know God but it is now, even more-so, left up to the parents and next of kin to teach and instill Godly values in our children in the age of technology and changing norms.

Here are 3 principles to keep in mind as a Godly-parent raising your children in a God-honoring home.

1. Love And honor God Above All Else

Now, it's absolutely important for us to recognize that we can be loving God based on our personal relationship with Him, but are you loving Him in a way that reflects Christ within your household and beyond? Not from a place of perceived perfection, but actually, from a place of being a living example so that your words and actions help to teach your children? In using Matthew 22:37as a quick reference, we pray that you are encouraged to devote your lifestyle to the deep love, reverence and adoration you have for God.

2. Teach God's Word

Truth is, just like in our general society, it's not enough to assume that people know and understand God's love and Word through the way we live and carry ourselves. The deliberate teaching of God's Word is absolutely important, in that case.

Your household is no different - in fact, it's even more important to do so as you are directly responsible for raising citizens of your society and of God's Kingdom. As Paul encourages us in Ephesians 6:4 to “but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” or other translations say “nourish them in the instruction and admonition of the Lord, ” let us remember to make the conscious effort to do so.

This can be done in innovative ways through family devotions, praying with your children, teaching them 'memory Bible versus' and reading them Bible stories. All these methods help to ensure that our children learn and internalize the teachings of God.

3. Do not Provoke Your Children

Now, we always hear that children should obey their parents, which is quite right. However, less emphasis is placed on the other section where parents are encouraged to not provoke their children.

In taking a look at Ephesians 6:4 and Col 3:20, we are reminded of this, and while it is understandable that our children will sometimes do things to upset or frustrate us, there are fundamental reasons that we should be mindful of this.

Discipline is important and of course your child is not going to be 100% happy with you all the time but there are many instances when parents toe (and cross) the line of verbal, physical and other types of abuse that would result in bringing about bitterness, anger and resentment in our children which are the perfect seeds for intense rebellion and a hardening of the heart towards God and His people.

Remember, the primary area of socialization for our children is the home, so let us do our part in making it a God-honouring home so that we can nurture the citizens of tomorrow.


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