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8 Self-Sabotaging Thoughts to Let Go of Before the Year Ends

Writer: PAJE MagazinePAJE Magazine

Self-sabotaging thoughts are negative and counterproductive thoughts that pervade your mind and limit your confidence, well-being, and success. These thoughts can undermine personal growth, well-being, and severely affect the pursuit of goals. Recognizing and challenging self-sabotaging thoughts is an important step toward cultivating a healthier mindset.

Here are 8 self-sabotaging thoughts:

1. I Must have it All-or-Nothing

This is a huge one. It’s the feeling that if you can't do something perfectly, there's no point in doing it at all. It’s perceiving as either entirely perfect or a total failure, with no room for nuances or shades of gray. This thought pattern causes you to view situations in extreme, black-and-white terms, it is therefore very destructive as it makes it difficult to appreciate and embrace progress or partial success.

2. The Worst always Happens

This involves imagining the worst possible outcome of a situation and expecting it to happen. This thought pattern is pessimistic and is shrouded in doom and gloom. It contributes to a negative outlook on life and often leads to heightened anxiety and stress.

3. One Bad Outcome Follows the Other

This way of thinking makes very broad, negative conclusions about yourself based on a single unfavourable negative outcome or failure. It’s the belief that this negative event or outcome will lead to a chain of subsequent negative events or outcomes. This pervasive thought pattern is dangerous as it contributes to a negative outlook on life and an ever growing feeling of hopelessness and despair.

4. I am always a Victim

This is what we term a “victim complex." It consistently pushes you to view yourself as powerless and at the mercy of external circumstances. It lacks an appreciation for your ability to be resilient and persistent. It leads to feelings of helplessness, resentment, and a lack of personal responsibility.

5. There’s Nothing I can do to Change my Life

This thinking reflects a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness. It thrives on the thinking that you are stuck in in your current circumstances and there is no hope for change. This mindset can be limiting and may contribute to feelings of resignation and despair.

6. Believing that your fate is pre-determined and that you have no power to change your circumstances.

This self-defeating narrative is built on the premise that your life and destiny is already decided (through your genes, environment, poor choices, financial situation) and you have no power to change your circumstances . It’s that thinking that external forces, destiny, or fate control the outcomes of your life, leaving you with little or no input to influence or shape your own future.

7. I am such a failure

The "I am such a failure" thinking is a negative thought pattern characterized by a pervasive and deeply ingrained belief that one is fundamentally unsuccessful, inadequate, or incapable. This thinking often allows you to view your accomplishments and abilities through a critical and self-depreciating lens. This self-prophetic narrative is dangerous as it magnifies your perceived shortcomings and mistakes while minimizing or dismissing your successes and achievements.

8. I don’t have time.

The "I don't have time" thinking is a belief or perspective that you adopt when you are engulfed with feelings of been overwhelmed. It allows you to see your life as too busy to accommodate additional tasks or activities despite how important they are. This thinking often leads to a thinking that you lack the time needed to pursue certain goals, engage in activities you enjoy, or take on new responsibilities. It’s a limiting way of thinking and will cause you to miss important and life changing opportunities.

Challenging self-sabotaging thoughts involves developing an awareness, questioning the validity of these thoughts, and replacing them with more balanced and positive perspectives.

As you near the end of 2023 it's important to:

  • Recognize you have the capacity to influence and shape your life through your choices, actions, and attitudes.

  • Shift from a deterministic mindset to one that embraces personal responsibility and self-discipline.

  • The journey of change can be a transformative process. Challenging and changing deeply ingrained beliefs can be difficult but you can do it.

So choose the self-sabotaging thought you struggle with and kick it to the curb.


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